Hilariously Weird Moment (Luke)

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It's been a few days! But I've had time to have some really weird experiences. So I decided that I'd write about them with the 5sos boys. Enjoy and try not to cringe too much!

Luke: "C'mon babe! The skit is gonna start in a few minutes!" Luke squeaked, pulling on your hand towards the tall building.
"Luke I want to be able to use my hand later." You mumbled and followed him inside.
There was already a pretty big audience in the seats but that didn't stop Luke from dragging you to the front row.
He sat down and patted the chair beside him. After you took your seat, you looked at the program, reading a very interesting group name. The name of the group was called The Flapper Flaps. Ok....
The lights dimmed and Luke nudged you excited.
Suddenly, a woman in a beige colored leotard waltzed her way to the middle of the room. A man covered in all black, including his face, followed her to the center. They began gyrating and making strange movements. You stayed completely still, not sure how to react to this.
But before you could make a decision, the two fell to the ground and rolled around slowly. There was no music or anything. They were just rolling on the floor with each other.
You were about to laugh when you felt Luke's shaking body beside you. You looked over at him and he was turning bright red from laughing silently.
That set you off and you couldn't control the horrible silent laughter. No one else seemed to have this problem so it made it even worse.
Luke coughed to cover up his laughter and zipped up his hoodie. The couple had moved off the floor and went on to moving around like ostriches.
Luke then proceeded to hide his face into your shoulder and continued to shake.
You wanted it to be over so you could run out and burst out laughing.
The "dancers" stopped and you started to get up, when a man wearing parachute pants strolled to the front of the room.
He had dragged some random pieces of cardboard with strange pictures on them. He set them on the floor and walked around more like an ape. He grunted and pulled out some colored pieces of chalk.
He grunted and drew a bunch of lines on the cardboard, pointing to it like the audience should know what he was doing.
Luke looked terrified and you were pretty sure you looked the same.
The man ripped part of the cardboard off and handed it to Luke. The man said nothing and walked back.
"What the actual poo is this?" Luke whispered and you shrugged.
Once the man finished his routine, the show ended and the audience erupted into applause.
Luke quickly ran out of the room, leaving you to fend for yourself.
You ran after him and found him splayed out on the grass, holding his stomach while he laughed hysterically.
"You left me in there alone." You pouted and crossed your arms.
He kept laughing and clapped his hands.
You couldn't help it. You started giggling and all of the laughter that you kept in, spilled from your lips.
"What even?" Luke gasped and you cackled.
"That was so awkward and weird!" You giggled.
After the insane laughter, you finally left to go home.
"So we're never doing that again." Luke admitted and rubbed his temple.
"What? Are you saying that you don't want to see people writhing on the floor?"
"Not even a little bit."

(First installment. Oi. I literally went through this experience a few days ago with my father. Absolutely scarring. So why not subject Lucas to it? Sorry Lukey. Hope you guys like it!

I seriously love you guys. Like you have no idea. You're amazing. I can't imagine my life without the Floppy Dishtowels.

So I found out that on October 23rd, it will be a year since I've self harmed. It's also the same day that Sounds Good Feels Good comes out. Fate or coincidence? Thank you 5sos. You brought happiness back to my life. And to my Floppy Dishtowels.


This experience sounds...creepy. -Ashton

*hysterical laughter* -Luke

It's not that funny. -Calum

This is stupid. Why? -Michael

*shows video of the "dance"* -Luke

.............-Ashton, Calum, Michael

Try not to laugh. -Luke

*SILENTLY DYING* -Ashton, Calum, Michael

Mmhmm. -Luke

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