Get Involved (Pretty Please)

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Again. I've done it again. I suck. I'm sorry. Sigh. Thanks for dealing with me floppy dishtowels. I love you.

Ok I've made a decision. I am doing a YouNow on Friday!

That means I want as many of you as possible to watch and ask me questions. Anthony will not be joining me for this one, so you can ask as many awkward or weird things as you want. I will answer every single one!

I just want to connect with you guys again :) You can ask about my writing, my sanity, or even just general questions about me as a human being. Yes I shower regularly. So don't ask that one.

Last time I had a great time being weird and silly. This time it's going to more personal and upfront! So you get a few hours with Kenzie. If you're willing to endure that. I'm pretty sure you're all on summer break so hopefully at least four of you can watch!

I'm sorry for turning this book into more "Kenzie Land" than 5SOS. :/ I'm sure all of you are sick of "Kenzie this, Kenzie that, oh Luke's in a well! Kenzie!"

But you're awesome for dealing with it. So thank you. I love you all and I wish I could hug all of you.

Oh I've gotten a few letters from some of my readers that made me smile so widely! Thank you so much! I love getting letters! So much fun! It means the world to me that you spent time to write to me. I love you. xx

Tomorrow I will post the times for the YouNow, so comment your country so I can make sure to get all of the time zones!

I love you floppy dishtowels.

Kenzie xx

5SOS Criticizes You

Ashton: "Hmm. That's an interesting outfit choice. Are you sure those shoes go with that lip color? What were you thinking? And that pajama top. Soooo last season. You are a nightmare honey."

Luke: "I think you're cute. Um. I like the way you eat your pudding. It's professional? Sure. Uh."

Calum: "Don't sit like that. Sit up straight babe! I don't want your back to hurt! And remember to drink water. Don't want your skin to look pasty."

Michael: "I'm not in the mood to criticize. I've had a sucky week."

Geez guys. Couldn't kill you to be nice? -Kenzie

It would kill me. -Ashton

Hey! Mine was nice. Pudding is a wonderful substance. -Luke

I'm looking after my Y/N! I'm being helpful! -Calum

I caught on fire. -Michael

Oh yeah. MY BABY!!! *covers him in ice and cuddles* -Kenzie

I already did that :( -Luke

So did I....-Calum

I didn't. -Ashton

This is nice. Thank you. -Michael

Shh. No talking. Only rest and ice cream. I love you. -Kenzie

Whoa there. -Michael

Awwh -Luke

This took a weird turn. -Ashton

I meant as a mother! He's my tiny baby! -Kenzie

Who's taller and two years older....-Calum

Don't question my methods. -Kenzie

Send Michael all your love!!! He had quite a scare the other day and needs our love and healing thoughts. xx

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now