He's A Candle

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Hi Floppy Dishtowel!

I'm going to start off with the boys being candles, idea from Doodlepenguin who is absolutely adorable. I love you! xx

Ashton: The flame flickered, throwing light against the walls of the bathroom. The bathtub was filled with a lavender vanilla bubble bath, soothing your stressed muscles.

You gently slid into the tub with a sigh and let the hot water relax you. The candle you lit smelled of sugar and hints of berry laced in. The candle itself was a gift from some strange girl named Kenzie. It was a weird exchange, but the candle smelled pleasant.

"If I were as bright as I wished I was, I would voice my opinion and say that it's hotter than a boiling pot in here." A singsong voice complained.

You glanced around the room and brought the bubbles closer to your chest. "Who said that?"

"Well it isn't those bubbles you're sitting in. I'm pretty sure they'd be appalled by where they're at." The same voice taunted.

"Excuse me?" You were not about to take some insult from an unknown force in your bathroom.

"Think about it this way, my bathtub dwelling mermaid, bubbles are brainless and don't understand much anyway. They shouldn't be appalled by your skin. They should be appalled by your personality." The voice giggled. (Bathtub dwelling mermaid was Kenzie's nickname in college. -Michael) (*whacks Michael* -Kenzie)

"I have no idea who, or what you are, but you have no right to speak to me that way. You don't even know me." You asserted, still searching the room for a source.

"You're right. I do not know you, but I know you're a little spitfire. Oh I crack myself up!" Cackles filled the air and the crack of the flickering candle could be heard.

"Wait a second." You turned to face the candle sitting on the counter. "Please tell me I don't have a demonic candle in my bathroom."

The flame in the glass jar seemed to burn brighter as his voice came back softly. "Demonic? You think I'm demonic?"

You blinked and watched as the fire slowly burned the wax. "I don't know if you know this, but most candles don't talk. So it's a bit uneasy when one does talk to you."

The candle made a noise of disgust and proceeded to ignore you.

"I didn't mean to imply that you were a demon. I just meant that talking candles aren't normal." You let out an elongated sigh and crossed your arms over your chest. "So. . . what's your name?"

"My name? You want to know my name?" He questioned.

"Of course I do. We're talking aren't we? It's weird if I don't know who I'm talking to." You admitted.

"I guess that makes sense. Okay. My name is Ashton. Do you have a name?" He inquired, his voice having more color to it.

"I'm Y/N. I like long walks on the beach and french fries that are extra french."

Ashton chuckled at your comment and the flame he omitted flickered at the noise. "Maybe you're not that bad."

"Gee. Thanks. That makes me feel oodles better." You mumbled.

"Oodles sounds like poodles. Like there's oodles of poodles. But I'd probably light a poodle on fire." Ashton pondered, sounding like he was drifting off into dreamland.

"Do you think you could stop talking for a while? I just wanted a relaxing bath and I just need quiet." You admitted, sinking back into the tub.

"Fine. I'll just be quiet by myself and slowly let my flame burn away." He drawled dramatically.

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