On A Lighter Note...

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Today's the last day to send in entries for the Dark Angel contests! I'll be announcing the winners tonight/morning! I'm excited for you guys to see who won ;)

Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught (Luke)

You blew a bubble with your gum and stared at the clock, hoping time would pass faster. "Y/N. Hey are you going to the library after school?" Your best friend Luke asked, making you lose eye contact with the clock. "Um yeah. Calum and I have to study." Calum was your boyfriend that Luke didn't seem to approve of. He had told you he had a crush on you right after Calum had asked you out. "Oh. I see. I won't bother you then." He said and turned back to face the board. You sighed and rested your head on your hands. Luke was a sweet guy, but you just didn't like him the same way. Hopefully you could still be really good friends.

After school you made your way towards the library when you felt a tug on your wrist. You grinned and looked up at the dark eyed beauty that was Calum. "Hi love." He said with a big smile. You moved into him and kissed his shoulder. "Hi handsome. Ready to study?" He nodded and wrapped an arm around your waist and walked the rest of the way to the library.

"No you carry the one and subtract the difference of pi plus twenty seven." You explained and Calum just looked at you like you ate a grasshopper. "Sorry. All I heard was pie and now I want pie." You whacked him playfully and giggled. "Shut up. This is serious." He smirked and kissed your lips. "No. Now it's serious."

Luke's P.O.V

I closed my locker and headed towards the library. I heard they got new guitar books. I was determined to be able to blow Y/N away. She'd realize I'm the one she should be with. I walked into the library and looked around, seeing Ashton in the corner. I'll say hi after I find a damn book. I wandered to the back of the library and what I saw shattered my heart. Y/N was busy sucking face with Calum. He had his hand up her shirt and she was on his lap. So I ran to the corner without making a noise.

"Luke what's up?" Ashton asked and I ran a hand through my hair. "Well....um....I found Y/N." He raised his eyebrows and leaned forward. "And? What happened? Did you ask her?" I sat in the chair opposite from him. "Not exactly.... I saw her doing something other than studying." This caught Ashton's attention. "What would that be?" I glanced back over to where she has been with Calum. "Let's just say she's not reading books."

(Poor Lukey! I hope you liked his! I know it's been a while since I wrote Ashton's. Oops. But if you didn't like this one, I'd be happy to write one more like Ashton's ;)

I love you guys! I always have to say it because I mean it and I'm afraid you'll all stop reading if I don't! So I love you bunches!!!! Like more than the pie Calum wanted. That's a lot. I also want to thank you for getting me to this point. Without you, I wouldn't have 3 successful books, loving comments, and support. You guys are from all over the world and that's amazing to me. I can't believe I reached all of you. Thank you for reading and supporting me. I know my writing can be bad, but you read regardless. I am forever grateful for that. Thank you.


Oooh Cal's getting some! -Ashton

Yeah yeah. *pouts* -Luke

Pi. Pie. Hah. That's a funny coincidence. -Calum

Yeah why the hell was there math in this one? -Michael

Do not question me. -Kenzie

Ok. What's the square root of life? -Michael

27. -Kenzie

Oooooooh sassed!!! -Calum

BURN -Ashton

Shut up Luke. -Michael

*drops bag of Doritos* But...I didn't even sa- -Luke


And there's the science. -Calum

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