He's An Ice Cream

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My mom and I came up with this idea when we went to Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I figured, well since it's summer and the sun is killing me, why don't I write about something cold? So here's 5sos as ice cream cones. Hope you like it!

Ashton: For Ashton, life as an ice cream was interesting. He was sweet cream flavored, but was covered in toppings. He was decorated with candy, nuts, syrups, and sprinkles.
For most people, that's too sweet. It made Ashton the ice cream very sad.
He hoped that one day he'd find that one person who could enjoy him for what he was. He wanted to be loved.
One day when the bell in the shop dinged, he knew a customer was coming. Ashton prepared himself and looked his best. But alas, the lad did not buy him. He bought a chocolate ice cream.
How Ashton envied him. He wanted to be the chosen one. But it was not to be.
The next day, the bell rang and he got excited.
"I can feel it in my cones. It's going to happen." He whispered to himself.
The old man glanced at Ashton and made a disgusted face.
"What kind of abomination is that?" He cried and Ashton's eyes started dripping. Maybe he wasn't good enough.
After several days of being rejected, he lost hope. When the bell rang, he'd stay hidden. He was heartbroken.
That afternoon a little girl walked in and looked through the flavors and choices. Her eyes lit up and she tapped the glass.
"That's the one I want." She said to the owner.
Ashton hadn't realized that she was talking about him. So when he was picked up, he thought he was headed for the trash.
But suddenly, he was placed in her hand. He looked up and saw the biggest smile on her face. Her cheeks were red from being out in the sun, and her hair was pulled up into pigtails.
Ashton felt the happiness wash over him. He was being saved for this little girl. He brought that smile to her face. He was wanted.

Luke: "Whoa! Careful!" Y/B/F laughed, making sure you had a good grip on your ice cream.
You had decided to go all out and crazy with your choice. It was actually the record amount of scoops for the shop.
Twelve of them. Twelve scoops on your cone. Each one of them a different flavor and a cherry on top. Y/B/F thought you were insane. And they'd be right. It was crazy to get this much, but it seemed right.
"All of that is gonna fall." Y/B/F said, raising an eyebrow.
"It will if you're a negative Nancy. If you believe, it won't fall." You argued and licked at the mint flavored scoop.
All of a sudden, a deep voice interrupted you.
"Excuse me. That's my neck. Could you not? It tickles."
Y/B/F looked at you and her eyes widened.
"Dude. Your voice just went really deep."
You rolled your eyes.
"That wasn't me you crab. It was a guy somewhere." You pointed out, licking the ice cream again.
"Lady? I told you once. I don't want to tell you again." The voice came again.
"Who is that?" Y/B/F asked, looking around.
You slowly turned the cone in your hand to see eyes looking at you.
You shrieked and flicked at them.
"What the hell? Why are there eyes on my ice cream??" You screamed.
"Ow! Those are mine! Geez. No need to physically abuse me." The boys voice spoke grumpily.
You stared at the ice cream and blinked.
"How are you in my ice cream?" You questioned.
"I'm not in the ice cream. I am the ice cream. You got twelve scoops. It's tall. Here I am. Tada." He said unenthusiastically.
"This is by far the weirdest thing." Y/B/F squeaked.
She was right. This was weird.
You woke with a start and breathed heavily.
Luke rolled over and rubbed his eyes.
"You Ok babe?" He asked, his voice much deeper in the mornings.
"Um. I had a really weird dream." You admitted, snuggling into his side.
"Oh yeah? What about?"
You rested your head on Luke's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you.
"I'm pretty sure you were my twelve scoop ice cream."
He laughed and kissed your forehead softly.
"I am pretty sweet."

Calum: Poor Calum the ice cream. His adventure started wonderfully, then the little boy dropped him. Calum slid right off the cone and onto the ground.
His eyes blinked through the chocolate ice cream. He slowly melted and all he could do was wait.
Eventually a squirrel found its way to the sticky chocolate.
"Hello furry companion." Calum greeted, melting away.
The squirrel licked at the ice cream and Calum sighed.
"At least something will enjoy my presence."

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