Dating Luke Would Include...

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-Penguins with their various names.
-"Hah you can't reach that! Babe... Babe...don't throw that at me. Ow! Ok. I deserved that."
-Him hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your head.
-Playing with his pinky ring and lip ring.
-Neck kisses. Damn.
-Roaming hands. Cheeky boy.
-Laughing at the stupidest things.
-Soft kisses all over your face to make you giggle.
-Cuddles that are the
-Lanky noddle legs tangling with yours.
-Laying on his bare chest and having him hold you while rubbing your back.
-Swinging on the swing set in the park and having him accidentally break one.
-Being with Queen Liz in the audience, taking pictures and cheering him on.
-Sitting in his lap wherever you are. (Song reference. I'm great.)
-Rough and loud love making ;)
-Piggyback rides!
-Seeing him flat haired whenever you want. It's a gift.
-"Y/N I know it's 4 o'clock in the morning, but doesn't IHOP sound really good?"
-Tickle fights.
-Holding you close when he's protective.
-Dealing with short jokes coz let's face it, he's a tree.
-"Maybe I'll get another piercing..."
-Talking to donuts.
-Awkward conversations.
-Being squished if he rolls over on you.
-Bear hugs!
-Singing you to sleep with his sweet voice.
-Waking you up with his deep morning voice. Yes.
-Confused Lukey.
-Cuddly Lukey.
-Lovey Lukey.
-Silently Funny Lukey.
-Giggly Lukey.
-Really Freaking Hot Lukey.

(I want 12 of them. Most of which will be used to reach things for me.)

I liked mine better. -Ashton

Of course you did. But I'm loving mine ;) -Luke

I'm not even in a relationship with Luke and he does most of these things. Emphasis on the most. -Calum

Loser. -Michael

Hey guys!!! We won best fan army! I knew we could do it! -Kenzie

Congratulations guys! We love you! -Ashton

I love you guys more. -Luke

Luke sucks and most certainly does not love you guys more. -Calum

That's coz I do. Love. You. More. -Michael

Don't hurt yourself. -Kenzie

Shut up. -Michael

Anyone wanna hop on the Luke train? -Luke

Does it include all of the above? -Kenzie

It most certainly does. ;) -Luke


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