Body Switching (Lashton)

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Ashton's P.O.V

I woke up today feeling way different than I normally do. And I wasn't in my room. I was in Luke's room. What the hell? I sat up and stretched and noticed my legs looked extra long today. Huh. I ran a hand through my hair and froze. That was definitely not my insanely curly hair. I stood up and rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror and screamed like a little girl that witnessed a clown jump out of a mailbox. Why a mailbox you ask? Because that's a lot creepier than a clown jumping out of a cake. I was Lucas Hemmings. I could feel the hair product eating away at my brain. Ha. I made a joke. Thank god the mirror was long because damn this boy is tall and broad. The lip ring protruded from my bottom lip and clicked against my teeth every time I moved it. I looked at my shoulders and lankiness and felt myself get clumsier by the second. "Luke! Are you awake yet? We have to get you to the radio show in an hour." Liz called. I cleared my throat and yelled back, "Just a second Mrs. Hemmin-I mean mom!" Nice save dumbass. I rummaged Luke's drawers and cursed under my breath. Everything was completely crammed in there. Eventually I pulled out his I Don't Trust Me Either shirt and shoved my arms in it. The skinny jeans were another story. How did the boy do this every day?! I mean I wear skinny jeans too, but not like 'second skin' tight. I managed to get one leg in before I tripped and fell over my awkward feet. "Oof!" I lay there for a few moments before Liz opened the door and blinked at me. "Trying to put on your skinny jeans again?" She asked. I nodded and finished putting them on. "Luke maybe you need to get pants that let know, breathe." She suggested. "Yeah no kidding." I muttered and she raised her eyebrows. "Are you ok honey? You look a little pale." I nodded and laced my shoes before following her to the kitchen. Luke's brothers were here and stuffing their faces with Mama Liz's homemade breakfast. That's when my stomach rumbled. That's right. Luke's always hungry. Oh joy. Jack offered me a plate and I filled it with some of everything. Ben threw an apple in my direction and I reached up to catch it, but my reflexes weren't fast enough and it hit me in the face. Damn it! Luke can't catch! Jack and Ben burst out laughing and Luke's dad looked like he was trying not to laugh. Liz glared at Ben and hugged me. "You may not be coordinated, but you're more of a musician than the rest of the family." I don't know how to feel about that. I just smiled and hugged her awkwardly with my lanky frame. I arrived at the radio station and met up with the boys at the front. I instantly went towards myself. What? I went towards "Ashton" and pulled him aside. "Luke? Is that you?" I asked. His eyes widened. "A-Ashton?" I nodded and we both looked at each other in confusion. "Why the hell am I in your cramped little muscular body?" He asked obviously upset. I shrugged and looked at him. Huh. I was good looking. "This morning I woke up and choked on your hair." He added. I laughed and looked down at myself. "Yeah well I fell over trying to shove your ass in these skinnier than any ass jeans." It was weird to be looking at myself while I was myself in Luke's body. Well that made no sense. He pushed my hair back out of my face and groaned. "How do you keep your freaking hair out of your face?!" He asked. I smiled. "One word. Bandana." He looked like he was going to throw up. "I'll survive." He uttered. I shrugged and sat down in the radio chair. I tried to cross my legs but they just wouldn't cooperate. Luke looked over at me and smirked with my face. The whole radio show was a disaster. Every time they asked Luke a question, he started to answer with my voice and caused a lot of confusion. I couldn't get comfortable in the extremely low chairs with these daddy long legs. Michael and Calum looked at us like we were on fire. Might as well be. Then the performance came. I had to pick up a guitar instead of my cajon. Luke forgot he was me and he sat in the wrong chair when Calum elbowed him/me. "Ash you're the drummer." He hissed and Luke's eyes widened and he got out of the chair and sat on the cajon. This should be interesting.

"Ok guys um...we're going to play Gotta Get Out. I'm Ashton. The drummer. As you can see. Obviously." Luke stumbled over his words and I was so close to smacking him upside the head, but he was in my head. I'm not going to slap myself. I held his acoustic guitar in my hands and I silently thanked myself for knowing how to play. I looked over at "Ashton" and motioned for him to count off.
"1, 2, 3, 4." He said softly and I began playing the beginning chords. Michael joined in and Calum smiled at me. I cleared my throat and continued strumming the guitar.
"Even when the sky is falling down, even when the earth is crumbling around my feet." Calum joined in and took over singing the rest of the verse.

"Even when we try to say goodbye, you could cut the tension with a knife in here."

Lukeshton tried to get the rhythm right on the cajon and completely failed. He was off by a few seconds and Michael became confused and tried to play along with him. It didn't work. It fell apart and Michael stopped playing.

"Ok. Sorry about that. We just need a moment." Michael mumbled and walked over to me. Well, over to what was supposed to be me. "Mate what's going on? You never mess up." Michael whispered. Luke shrugged my shoulders and looked right at me.
"Something weird happened...." Michael raised his eyebrow.
"What do you mean something weird?"

Luke and I brought the boys to the side and explained what happened. Calum burst out laughing and Michael looked at my body. "So you're Luke in there?" My curly head nodded. Michael glanced over at the real me and said, "Sorry mate." Before whacking Luke upside my head.
"Ow! Why?" He whined and Michael chuckled.
"Shut up Luke."

"Ok so how do we get back in our own bodies?" I asked after the terrible radio performance.
"You could always learn how to get along. Kinda like Freaky Friday." Calum suggested and Luke and I just blinked at him.
"Or you could enjoy being each other." Michael said with a laugh. Luke flipped him off with my extremely long fingers. Man my hands are freakishly huge. Luke's were big but not as slender. I didn't like it.

"I don't even know why it happened. It was just random." I explained.

A girl's giggle interrupted us and we all turned to face her.

"Kenzie? You didn't....." Luke said, eyes widening.

"Hey I had to entertain myself and my readers somehow." She admitted with a shrug.

"Wait...this is a preference?!" I yelled and she nodded.

"Yeah. It was requested quite a bit actually. I just finally finished it! It's funny right? Luke in your body and him in yours!"

Luke and I exchanged glances and looked back at Kenzie.

"No...don't you dare." She mumbled, backing away slowly.

"Gee Luke. It's a shame that she doesn't have stuff happen to her very often in her own book isn't it?" I teased and Luke smirked with my face.
"It is. Seems like something that should happen more."

"Oh shit." She squeaked.

(Hey guys. It's Ashton in Luke's body. We may have taken over for now because of what Kenzie did to us. We'd love your help in deciding her punishment! Help us out! -Ash)

Uh guys? Why am I in a box? Help! -Kenzie

Exactly. Now help us think of something either hilarious or awful to do to her! Nothing like murder please. We don't hate her that much. -Luke

Can I join? -Cal

Absolutely! The more the merrier! -Ash

Awwh. Poor Kenzie. -Mike

She made Y/N eat you when you were a donut. -Ash

..........SHE MUST PAY!!! -Michael

I'm scared. -Kenzie

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