He's A Chinchilla (Malum)

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Time to turn two other fluffs into chinchillas. Enjoy.

Calum: Twas an ordinary day like any other. The sun was shining. The birds singing. The air....somewhat breathable. And of course the running herd of chinchillas. Wait....that's not ordinary. That's...extraordinary. The large flash mob of chinchillas ran across the pavement and sidewalk, making women blink and grown men shriek. They were heading your way at an incredible pace. There were chinchillas of all sizes and colors in the mob. You stood still so you wouldn't accidentally step on a tiny little creature. The squeaks from the chinchillas came from all angles, sounding angry. (Angry Chinchilla is my new band name. I play the didgereedoo.) Most of them ran around you or between your feet but one of them climbed on your shoe, squeaking up towards you. It was a cute dusty brown color with whiskers longer than any of Kenzie's relationships. "Well hi there. Are you protesting?" You spoke casually to the chinchilla, earning a look from one of the men that screamed. The tiny chinchilla squeaked something to his fellow fur balls and they all spread apart to create a path. Suddenly, the cutie crawled off your shoe and pattered back to the concrete. He started growing larger and larger until his form changed completely. He was now a crouching teenage boy with dark hair and quite impressive biceps. He stretched up to his normal height and looked down at you. "In answer to your question, yes. I am protesting. Against chinchilla cruelty. I've been this way since I can remember and I deserve to be treated well." He asserted. You stared at him. "You're a chinchilla." He nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Yes....we've established this." You squished his cheeks and a chinchilla squeak escaped his mouth. "Amazing. You're like a shapeshifter! Can you turn into anything else?" You questioned as he cleared his throat, wondering where the hell that squeak came from. "No I cannot. Only a chinchilla ma'am." How proper. You poked his nose and studied him while he turned bright red. "May I ask what you are doing ma'am?" You ruffled his hair and looked into his eyes. "I'm either dreaming really weird stuff again, or I'm officially bonkers." He let out a laugh, ending in a chinchilla squeak. "Neither beautiful. You are witnessing a chinchilla protest."

Michael: "Nyoom nyoom motherfuckers!" Michael yelled as he ran across the counter with his tiny paws. You sipped your tea and watched the adorable black chinchilla run back and forth. "I could be a Hot Wheels I'm so fast!" He squeaked, slipping on a drop of water. He slid all the way down the counter and right into the spice rack, knocking them all over. "Michael! I told you to be careful!" You said, picking up the tipped over spice containers. Michael sneezed, various spices flying up into your face. You sneezed as well and wiped the spices off your nose. A tiny giggle came from the furry black body. "Sorry Y/N." You picked him up and helped rid him of tarragon and pepper. "It's Ok Mikey. Just try to be more careful. I don't want you getting hurt." He made the cutest noise in history and snuggled into the crook of your neck. "I love you Y/N! You take such good care of me!" He squeaked and curled up against you. "Awwh Mikey. I love you too! You're a great chinchilla!" You set him back down on the counter and kissed his tiny pink nose. His whiskers tickled your face and made you giggle. Michael nuzzled your cheek and made a satisfied noise. "Go on buddy. Keep running around! I know you love it." You nudged him a bit and he took off again. You set up obstacles of ketchup bottles and other random items for the adorable fuzzmonster. He weaved and turned through the obstacles, squeaking happily when he made it through perfectly. You made the next round a bit harder and placed them closer together. Michael readied himself and zoomed through the makeshift maze. "Too easy!" This time, you decided to make the obstacles move and slide across the counter. Michael made it through half of the maze before running smack into a spaghetti sauce jar. "Oh gosh! Mikey? Are you Ok?" He giggled and watched the mini chinchillas dance around his head. "Nyoom nyoom motherfuckers!"

(I don't even know what comes into my head anymore xD But it's fun! I wanted Michael's to be cuter because I tend to give him the more sarcastic ones. So I hope you enjoyed fluff Michael!)

*whispers* Should we tell everyone that Luke's in a well? -Ashton

Are you crazy?! Of course not! -Michael

*squeaks and runs across the floor* -Calum

Fantastic. Now Cal's a chinchilla. -Ashton

We can handle this. No one has to know! -Michael

*picks up Calum* Hi there little fella! -Kenzie

*squeaks in mouse code* -Calum (hah. Puns.)

What's that? Timmy's stuck in a well? -Kenzie

*eyes widen* -Ashton

She said Timmy. There's no way she'll get Luke from that. -Michael

*squeaks frantically* -Calum

Wait...Luke's stuck in a well?! -Kenzie

*squeaks as a yes* -Calum


Shush. He didn't tell her I did it. -Michael

*squeaks* -Calum

Michael? Really? Just pushed him? -Kenzie

You should stop talking. -Ashton

*silent* -Michael

Guys? I'm hungry. I want cheesecake. Help. Ooh look a penny! -Luke

***To be continued***

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