Part one ~ Waking up

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Alma woke up and could barely sit up, her whole body ached. She thought to herself where am I, what happened, this is not home. It's winter back home here everything is green and it's hot. When Alma's anxiety flares up she starts to sing to calm down but it's not safe to sing here, she does not know if there are dangerous animals or people here. Her heart is racing, she is so scared. She wonders how can she be here, how is this possible, something tells her this has something to do with her fall. She thought to herself if she had died she might be in heaven or hell, there is no way to know, she pinched her arm hard to check if she could be dreaming but unfortunately she felt the pain. She tried to calm down and think of what she had. She was lucky she had her big backpack, there she had a liter of cold water she had caramels and cookies, 2 cokes, , shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, brush, quite a few hair ties, face cream, razor blades, shaving foam, her swimsuit was also there, two towels, her favourite vanilla coconut perfume and body lotion, deodorant, her makeup bag, makeup remover, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, two bags of good toothpicks, her phone but the best three parts she had were a mooncup (used if your having your monthly) a compass and a multi knife. She was thankful that her husband had used the backpack last when he went hunting, she had been too lazy to empty it so she just crammed her stuff into it. She felt thankful she had decided to go swimming and had decided to finally go out of her house to a party, for she would not have her stuff with her otherwise.

She felt sorry for herself and she was very scared she started to cry, missing her husband and her pets. She thought to herself why did I have to go out for a walk today, why did I not wait until my husband came home, she thought to herself she would never see him again and she felt her heart break with sadness. If she had to be honest to herself, her dying was probably better for her husband, he was such a good man and she did nothing but sit in her chair reading. She hated going out, she felt that everyone was judging her and she had a hard time talking to people, she liked living in her bubble, she felt safe. She did her best though and she knew her husband loved her still. Tears run down her face and she went far away in her head thinking about her husband, she just wanted to hold him and love him. She was too immersed in her thoughts to hear that something or someone was coming closer.

Alma heard a big crack and looked up, she was petrified, she saw the biggest tortoise she has ever seen, that thing could easily kill and eat her, this is no ordinary tortoise, it's much bigger than normal one, alma just gapped at it then screamed her head off, she couldn't stand up, she could do nothing, she pleaded with it to leave her alone, she could not remember if tortoises were carnivorous or not she hoped they were not with all her heart. All of a sudden the tortoise morphed into a human. Alma thought to herself that she was going crazy, this can not happen, this is not real. This is not earth, maybe it's another dimension, god she thought to herself that she is just too stupid, she can not handle this, what kind of nonsense is this. She had read a lot of book about transmigration into books and beastworld. Maybe I'm not myself anymore, maybe I have transmigrated into a beautiful woman, she looked at her skin, no it can't be, I'm still fat, my hair is the same length and I have my jewellery on so that is unfortunately out of the question.

The young man stared at her and asked if the female (her) was by herself and she told him the truth that she was lost and all alone. He spoke English thank god she thought to herself, she can speak English, German, a little Swedish and Icelandic, she felt thankful she was not alone but she was still on guard. He told her his name was Keith and that it was not safe for her to be here all alone. He asked her if her mate left her here alone, she told him no, she got lost and did not know where home was.

She did not know Keith and he could still decide to eat her, sell her or even rape her, she felt that was still very unlikely since she was too fat and ugly, in a weird way all her insecurities made her feel safe here.
Alma asked what is the name of your country, he just stared and did not understand her, she asked if there was a town, village or city nearby, and he told her that his village was not far away. He told her he would take her, he helped her get up and told her to climb up on his shell and he would carry her. She told him thank you but no, that she was too heavy and she did not want to hurt him, he just laughed and carried her easily in his arms. Alma could not believe how easily he picked her up and was walking with no difficulty at all, she felt bad and asked him frequently if she was hurting him, she told him again and again she was sorry, sorry was a word Alma used so often that it was a part of her. The man gave her a big smile and told her she was light as a feather, Alma thought to herself that this man lies well but still she liked him, he helped her and did not make her feel bad about herself.after about an hour the arrived to the town, it was small and she knew right away this place was not evolved, she was scared what was she supposed to do, who could help her, she felt desperate and she started to cry again.

A lot of beast-men came out to see who Keith had in his arm. When they saw it was a female they got excited and wanted to talk to her but then when they saw she was crying they felt bad for her they backed off and gave her space, there would be enough time to get to know her and hopefully be one of her mates. Keith told her he was taking her to their village doctor. He told her he would take care of her and not to worry. She just cried her life was falling apart and she just wanted her husband to tell her everything was going to be alright.

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