I'll always be there - Scarlett x bullied reader

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Requested by: karateunicornalc

Speaking up about bullying is hard, especially if you're the victim of it.

You were regularly bullied by Heather and her friends Taylor and Amy. Amy was worse when Heather wasn't around. She hated you personally, while Heather just tormented you for fun. You didn't know why Amy hated you, but you knew even if you did it wouldn't help your situation.

Your best friend Scarlett didn't know about your situation at school, and just assumed you were shy. You'd never wanted to hang out in the cafeteria with her, you were scared to ride the bus, and you had trouble talking to others.

"I'll visit you in the library at lunch." Scarlett told you, shoving her books into her bag.

"Okay." You smiled.

"Since your birthday is tomorrow, I got you this." Scarlett told you, handing you a small box. You blushed, opening it to see it was a necklace.

"Thank you." You smiled, putting it on.

"It's special."  Scarlett smiled. "It's made of unique crystals that give you good energy with your name carved into it."

"It really is!" You chuckled. "I'm never taking this off."


You walked to class, but felt yourself being shoved down by someone. The person forcefully took your necklace, and you stood up, seeing it was Amy.

"Amy.. Scarlett gave that to me for my birthday tomorrow. Can you please just give it back?" You pleaded.

Amy shook her head, laughing. "No, it's mine now. Bye loser!"

You felt yourself panicking because you knew Scarlett was going to ask where your necklace was and why Amy was wearing it. You didn't want her to get the wrong idea of you, especially because you'd had feelings for Scarlett.

Throughout class you couldn't focus and tried thinking of ways to either get the necklace back or how to convince Scarlett you still had it but couldn't wear it. 

When it was time for lunch, you felt yourself getting even more anxious because you knew you'd have to see Scarlett in the library without the necklace. After twenty minutes, Scarlett came over then eyed your neck looking confused.

"Where's your necklace?" She asked, sitting across from you.

"It's in my locker." You lied.

Scarlett nodded, "What are you doing for your birthday tomorrow?"

"I don't know.." You sighed. "I'm scared to make plans. Remember what happened last time?"

Scarlett remembered how your cousin Natalie overshadowed you at your own party. Instead of it being a birthday party, Natalie made it into an event where she hung out with her friends while stealing your friends. Scarlett had to take you away from that and you two celebrated together on your own. 

"I will make sure that doesn't happen again." Scarlett told you, reaching for your hands across the table. 

You nodded, blushing slightly. 


After school, you decided to face your fears to confront Amy. You headed to the tree where her and her group hung out. You took a deep breath, then walked up to Amy, seeing her wearing the necklace. 

"Amy, you need to give me back my necklace." You said, sternly. "Scarlett gave it to me, it has my name on it, and you have no business taking things that aren't your's."

Amy's friends looked towards her confused, while Amy just rolled her eyes. 

"What are you gonna do about it?" She laughed, then kicked your stomach. You fell to the ground groaning in pain. 

Amy and Taylor kept kicking you, while you covered your face. Suddenly, you felt them stop then you looked up seeing Scarlett fighting them both. Amy tried fighting back, but Scarlett was too strong. "Leave her alone, Amy!" Scarlett yelled, slamming Amy's head on the ground. You sat up, bringing your knees to your chest, watching it all go down.

Scarlett panted, handing you your necklace, "Why didn't you tell me Amy took your necklace?"

You looked away, ashamed. 

"Has she been bullying you all this time?" Scarlett asked, sitting next to you on the ground. You nodded, unsure what to say next. 

 "Y/N.. You can tell me anything. You know I'll always be there." 

"I know, but I didn't want to worry you."

"I love you Y/N. I want to be there for you." Scarlett whispered. 

You blushed, feeling Scarlett wrap her arms around you. Scarlett whispered, "I will always be there." 

Instead of a big birthday party, you and Scarlett hung out with a few  friends, Izzy, Noah, Cody, Owen and Eva. Scarlett knew them from Math class, and they wanted to get to know you too. After the incident at school, Scarlett made it a point to help you open up more. 

"I need some time to show Y/N something." Scarlett told the group. 

Scarlett leads you outside, and you ask, "Scarlett. what's wrong?"

Scarlett brought you into a kiss. You melted into the kiss, running your hands through her hair. 

"Best birthday ever." You giggled, leading her back inside your house. 

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