Butterflies - Ella x shy!male reader FLUFF

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Requested by: JebtheCanadian

"All my life has been a series of doors in my face! And then suddenly I bump into you." Ella sang, twirling around slightly. A small crowd of people in the ice cream parlor watched Ella sing in amusement. That's what you really liked about Ella, she is able to make any moment cheerful.

You stood there, shyly smiling at your girlfriend of six months. Today, you both were on a date to the ice cream parlor then a picnic at a park that was nearby. Ella was enthusiastic as always about your dates with her, and she made it a point to always make it feel magical, whether that was singing, dancing, or making a dull moment a lot brighter.

Ella believed in magic, and was a Disney princess of her own. You were more shy, and reserved, but you and Ella's personalities meshed well because you were very open minded, despite needing a little more confidence to put yourself out there. Like a princess, Ella was very patient with you, and loved helping you step out of your comfort zone.

Ella looked over at you, smiling widely, then bringing you next to her, "Come on, Y/N! This is a duet, which means you have to sing with me!"

You blushed, as the audience cheered you to join in. You looked at the crowd, seeing encouraging smiles. After Ella squeezed your hand reassuringly, giving you a soft smile, you began to sing slowly, "It's nothing like I've ever known before, love is an open door!"

You and Ella continued to sing the duet, and you slowly started feeling the anxiety disappear as the song continued. Ella did a little dance to the chorus, while you twirled her around. You focused on her, instead of the crowd, trying not to think of how foolish you looked dancing.

At the end of the song, everyone cheered, standing up from their seats. You and Ella waved goodbye to the audience, exiting the shop.

"You did great, baby!" Ella beamed, kissing your cheek. "I'm so proud of you!"

You blushed, then held her hand, "I did my best!"

You glanced up at the sky, and saw a group of butterflies flying across all the city. You and Ella, walked a little around town, admiring the beauty of the creatures.

Ella began singing about the butterflies, and a few of them flew towards her landing on her shoulders, and hands. Ella smiled, bringing a butterfly towards you with her fingertips, "Here is a butterfly. Just because you just give me butterflies, Y/N. You're my Prince Charming."

You smiled, gently taking the butterfly, "And you're my butterfly princess."

You lifted your hand, letting the butterfly go, then hugged Ella tightly. She giggled, messing your hair, then pinched your cheeks. You both went to your car, then headed to the nearby park.

You and Ella arrived at the park, which consisted of many different flowers and was an overall beautiful scenery. The sky was clear, and there were still butterflies soaring through the sky, flying towards the different flowers.

You helped Ella set up the picnic, then you both laid down on the blanket, admiring the flock of butterflies soaring through the sky. You stood up, then went to pick one of the flowers from the bushes. You put the bright yellow flower on Ella's hair, causing her to kiss you on the forehead.

More butterflies surrounded the park, dancing around you and Ella. Ella laughed, then got up from the blanket, helping you stand up to dance with her. You looked around, seeing there were people. You looked down slightly, unsure of what to do.

Ella giggled, squeezing your cheeks again, "No need to be shy, Y/N! This place is magical!"

And just like that, you joined in Ella on dancing to the many butterflies that surrounded you. With Ella, you feel you could do anything, just like magic.

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