Beacon of light - Jasmine x Sammy

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Requested by: JohnathenYoungs
Setting: TDPI

Note - Some of the canon plot is tweaked for the purpose of Sammy and Jasmine's love story :)

Jasmine has always been Sammy's support system since she joined Total Drama. She stood by Sammy's side when people turned against her and became a beacon of light amid the darkness. When Amy got voted off and Sammy took her place, a weird feeling settled in Sammy's chest. It was a feeling of security and safety, and it made Sammy feel like she had someone to look out for her.

Jasmine and Sammy were out picking berries when Sammy felt Jasmine's hand brush against hers. She felt a tingling sensation run up her arm and thought it was just her imagination, but when she looked at Jasmine, she saw her blushing and looking away. Sammy's heart skipped a beat, but she tried to ignore it and not make a big deal out of it. After all, it was just a simple brush of the hand. Maybe she was overreacting.

Sammy and Jasmine went to deliver the berries to their team and Rodney looked at Sammy up and down, oblivious to the fact that Sammy was pretending to be Amy. Rodney gave Sammy a flirtatious smile and said, "Is it me or is Amy's berries are better than Samey's."

Sammy's face flushed with anger and embarrassment. She tried to defend herself, "They are the same."

However, much to Sammy's dismay, the other members of her team agreed with Rodney and began talking bad about Sammy. Sammy glanced at Jasmine and saw a hint of protectiveness in her eyes.

Jasmine gently flicked a blueberry onto Rodney's eyes, causing him to blink in surprise. Sammy laughed, and the other teams smiled. Jasmine spoke up, "Knock it off. There is no need to talk about Sammy."

Rodney smiled sheepishly and apologized. However, Sammy noticed that Rodney's lovestruck gaze was now directed at Sammy. Sammy sighed and thought, "This guy."

As the team was eating their fruits, Jasmine whispered, "Don't pay attention to them. They don't know the truth."

Sammy nodded, "I'll try."

It was hard to listen to Jasmine's words when Sammy had spent years hearing awful things about Amy being better than her at school, having more friends, and being more popular. It obviously had taken a toll on Sammy's self esteem and the fact that she was overshadowed yet again on Total Drama, it only added fuel to the fire.

But little did Sammy know, Jasmine was willing to be her beacon of light.


For the next few days, Sammy and Jasmine began spending more time together, not just to collect berries, but also exploring the island and having late night conversations to get to know each other more. They would walk along the beach and talk about their lives, their families, and their dreams.

"I never wanted to be in cheerleading." Sammy admitted to Jasmine. "I've always wanted to join Drama club or Band class."

"What stopped you?" Jasmine asked, looking at her with curiosity.

"Amy." Sammy sighed, rubbing her arm. "She only got in because I did the stunts and she said it was her."

"I figured." Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Classic Amy. Never does things for herself."

"Yeah, I never understood why."

"But remember, Sammy, you are allowed to shine on your own. Amy no longer has power over you. What you did, how you stood up for yourself, it shows that."

"Really?" Sammy asked, taking in her words.

"Absolutely." Jasmine told her. "You have so much potential Sammy and it's time the world sees that."

Sammy blushed, a wide smile spreading across her face, "Thank you, Jasmine."

Jasmine tucked a strand of hair behind Sammy's hair. "Remember that you're beautiful, Sammy."

Sammy blushed even more, feeling a warmth through her chest. "You are too, Jasmine."

The next day, it was the Truth or Scare challenge and it was Sammy's turn to answer the question, "Who do you hate the most?"

Unfortunately, instead of Sammy saying "I hate myself," since she was supposed to pretend to be Amy, she said, "I hate Amy," which raised questions.

Sensing the tension, Jasmine quickly stepped in and said, "Samey's failures weren't your fault."

Sammy looked at Jasmine with relief, however, the other contestants started badmouthing Sammy, not knowing that it wasn't Amy who they were talking to.

Sammy looked visibly irritated and hurt and Jasmine's heart ached. Jasmine held Sammy's hand and whispered, "It's going to be okay."

Sammy tried to hold back her tears. "I'm trying hard to believe that."

"You don't have to, as long as I'm here." Jasmine whispered. "We'll get through this together."

After the challenge ended, Sammy still heard the words of the other contestants echo through her mind. Despite Jasmine's reassurance, she felt she just wasn't enough for anyone, including her. 

Sammy decided to take a walk alone in the beach, gazing at the moonlight shining against the waves. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She turned around, seeing it was Shawn. 

"Hey Sammy. I couldn't help but notice what happened back there." Shawn told her, gently. 

Sammy sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, it was humiliating. In front of Jasmine too."

"You got a thing for her, don't you?" He asked. 

Sammy blushed, realizing she was obvious. She tried to deny it, but Shawn interrupted her. 

"Sammy, it's okay. Having crushes are normal. I just want you to know that the chemistry is obvious between you two." Shawn pointed out. "I'm sure she likes you just as much as you like her."

"I don't know." 

"You'll never know unless you try." Shawn told her, giving her a small smile. "Jasmine adores you and it's time you face your fears again, just like you did when you stood up to Amy."

"I will." Sammy said, promising to herself. 

The next morning, Sammy made sure to wake up earlier than Jasmine and find the most beautiful wildflowers for her. She carefully crafted a bouquet and placed it on the bedside table with a note. 

"Sammy?" Jasmine asked, groggily waking up from her slumber. She glanced at the flowers on the side of the bed. "What's this?"

"Don't read that!" Sammy exclaimed, suddenly feeling her fear take over once again. 

Before Sammy could stop her, Jasmine read the note, a huge blush spreading across her face. "Sammy.. I didn't know you felt this way about me."

"I do.." Sammy mumbled, looking down. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way." 

Jasmine lightly interrupted Sammy with a kiss to the forehead. Sammy froze, caught off guard in the most delightful way. "Sammy, I felt this way about you too. I started liking you a couple of weeks ago, when we were working together. It wasn't anything I could put a finger on, but I guess I just felt something." 

"So, what's next for us? How are we going to move forward from here?" Sammy asked, nervous yet excited.  

"I guess this means we're girlfriends." Jasmine chuckled, feeling a flutter in her chest. Sammy smiled at the title, but she was still afraid of Amy. 

"What about Amy? What if she returns?" Sammy whispered, knowing how much her sister tries to get what she wants.  

"I don't know what the future holds, but I'm ready to face it with you by my side." Jasmine said, holding Sammy's hand. "Even if Amy does come back, together, we can do anything. We can make it work."

Jasmine and Sammy continued to cuddle together on the bed, feeling a weight being lifted off their shoulders. They were no longer alone in this world, with their fears and struggles. 

They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

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