You're the best to me - Lightning x reader LEMON

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Requested by: CarlosMartinez921457
Setting: Total Drama after party

"Aww Lightning, who's this?" Zoey asked.

Lightning introduced you to some contestants of Total Drama during the after party, while you guys walked around. You were pretty nervous to be there since you've never been on the show, and you felt a little improper, but Lightning assured you that you would be fine.

Before the party, Total Drama hosted a mini competition that involved physical strengths and challenges. Lightning was proud to show off, and he won several of the rounds.

"This is Y/N." Lightning gestured towards you. "She's my girlfriend."

"That's so sweet." Zoey smiled.

"Lightning! Want to challenge us to some basketball outside?" Jo called from afar. She was with Brick, waiting near the doorway.

Lightning turned towards her then nodded. "Let's go, Y/N."


"Beat that!" Lightning laughed, shooting a basketball into a hoop.

Lightning, Jo and Brick were all challenging each other, while you watched and ate your food. You smiled at how Lightning was still so competitive after the show.

"I win!" Jo yelled, jumping up and down.

"No!" Lightning cried, punching the basketball. "I demand a rematch!"

"Whatever, twinkle toes." Jo laughed, taking her basketball from Lightning. "I'm going inside to eat."

Lightning huffed angrily, watching Jo and Brick go inside the building, laughing together at his expense.

"Hey, it's okay. You still did great." You assured him, smiling a little at his frown.


"Yes! Now let's go back inside and enjoy the party." You chuckled. Lightning followed you back inside, trying not to think about what just happened.

You and Lightning continued to walk around the party, then stopped when he heard a group of people talking about him. He looked towards the group, seeing that it was Jo laughing at him with Scott and Duncan.

"Lightning is just mad because I beat him twice!" Jo bragged, laughing along with Scott, and Duncan. "You should've seen his face when he lost right in front of his girlfriend!"

You felt a little upset that Jo said that, because Lightning always tries to impress you. You were about to pull Lightning away, but he started talking again.

Lightning began to get pissed, then stormed towards them, "Lightning just had an off day, that's all!"

"Sure." Jo smirked, causing Duncan and Scott to laugh even harder.

"I'll show you." Lightning said, taking Jo's basketball, then stormed off.

"This should be interesting." Jo laughed, walking with you, Scott, and Duncan.

"Lightning, it's okay. Let's just get a drink or something." You stated, watching Lightning try to beat Jo.

"No, Lightning never loses!"

Lightning continued to try to beat Jo, and it was obvious he wasn't having fun anymore and just wanted to prove his point. This happened quite a lot with him, and you always tried to make sure he takes it easy because it wasn't healthy it be overly competitive.

You walked towards Lightning and grabbed the basketball from him. You shot the ball into the hoop, then turned towards him with your arms crossed.

"You need to relax for once. I know these guys were trying to get to you, but who's opinion should matter the most?"

"Michael Jordan?" Lightning asked, not getting the hint.

You sighed, but tried to hold in your laugh at his response, "Yourself. Now, stop stressing out when we're supposed to have fun tonight. You don't need to impress other people if it's making you upset."

"Okay." He sighed, following you back inside. You threw the basketball back at Jo, giving her a small wave goodbye.


Lightning took your hand, walking out of the hotel to lead you to his car. He unlocked his car, then got into the backseat with you to spend a little more time with you before he could drop you home.

"I had a great time with you tonight, baby." He whispered, pulling you close to him. You leaned against his chest, letting him stroke your hair.

"I did too." You mumbled.

"You looked really beautiful out there. Lightning almost forgot about Jo's comments."

"You mean, you still remembered their snide comments over me?" You teased, smiling at him playfully.

"No! That's not what I-"

You cut him off with a kiss, silencing him. You pulled away then said, "You have such a big mouth sometimes, but I still love you."

"I know." He smirked, pulling you into another kiss.

Lightning began running his hands through your hair then trailed his fingers down your body.

"I want to do something." Lightning whispered, playing with the zipper on the back of your dress.

"Then do it." You whispered, feeling your heart begin to race.

Lightning unzipped your dress, then began sucking on your collarbone. You wrapped your legs around his torso, straddling him, as you two began to make out.

Lightning laid you down in the car seat, then stood up a little, looking around the parking lot to make sure the coast was clear. Mostly everyone was inside the hotel still. He began unbuttoning his pants, then took out a condom from the car compartment.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"I do."

Lightning rubbed you up and down, slowly massaging you down there, as you let out a moan. Slowly, he unwrapped the condom, putting it on, then began pushing into you hard. He gave you soft kisses as he kept going, then proceeded to keep sucking your collarbones, which was sure to make a mark tomorrow.

You sat up, then Lightning helped you put your underwear back on, then he put the used condom into a plastic bag to throw at his home. You quickly put on your dress, avoiding to get seen in the parking lot by the partygoers.

"You are the best to me." You said, kissing his cheek.

Lightning pulled you into a hug, "And you are to me."

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