The new guy - Cameron x male!reader

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Requested by: CrippledBubblegums

Setting: Adulthood


Beep! Beep! Vroom!

Cameron groaned, turning to his alarm. He squinted his eyes in confusion, seeing it's only five in the morning, and he wasn't supposed to wake up for another hour. Cameron heard the loud noise of a truck, and opened his curtains, noticing a new neighbor had moved in the house across the street. 

"That's weird." Cameron thought. "We haven't had new neighbors in years." 

After getting ready, Cameron headed out of his house to check the and his heart skipped a beat, seeing you sign papers. Slowly, he walked towards you, and shyly tapped your shoulder.

Startled, you turned, then smiled, seeing the cute shorter boy awkwardly waving at you. 

"Hi." You chuckled. "I'm Y/N. I just moved here from (H/T)." 

Cameron smiled shyly. "Hi Y/N. I'm Cameron. I live across from you." 

You looked across the street and nodded. "Nice. Maybe we can hang out sometime." 

Cameron nervously nodded, feeling weird in his stomach. 

You looked at him, smiling. "You seem shy.. You don't have to be! I won't bite."

Cameron chuckled, causing you to smile wider. You continued to speak, "How about we hang out after I'm done settling in? I saw a basketball court around."

"Sure." Cameron smiled. You and Cameron exchanged numbers, then he left, as you waved goodbye. 


"Are you okay?" Zoey asks Cameron, from across the table. Cameron sat there, silent, until Mike lightly shook Cameron's shoulder.

"Sorry." Cameron said, startled. 

"You barely touched your food." Zoey pointed out. 

"Yeah, what's bothering you?" Mike asked. 

Cameron awkwardly glanced around the restaurant, then replied, "There's this new guy in my neighborhood and.. I don't know."

"Is he mean?" Zoey asked. 

Cameron shook his head. "No.. There is just something different about him that I can't put my finger on."

Zoey replied, "Why don't we meet him? He probably feels alone not knowing that much people in town."

Cameron nodded, and the trio continued to eat their meal.


Nerves overtook Cameron, as he knocked on your front door. Zoey and Mike stood beside him, seemingly excited to meet you. After a few seconds, you opened the door, smiling widely seeing Cameron.

"Hi Cams! I see you brought some friends. I didn't expect to see you." You smiled, then motioned for them to come in. 

"We thought we'd stop by to welcome you to the neighborhood." Zoey said, sitting on the kitchen table with Mike. "Cameron mentioned that you just moved here. I'm Zoey, by the way and this is my boyfriend, Mike."

You nodded, "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you guys! And yeah, I decided to move my art center to this town."

"Wait, you own an art center?" Cameron asked, smiling slightly.

You answered, "Yeah! I sell art for a living. If you want, I can show you some of my work. I have a few of them in my bedroom."

"That would be nice." Mike said.

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