Not so bad - Noah x Depressed!outgoing reader

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Note: I'm also thinking of doing a Noah x depressed and anxious reader. It has been a while since I've worked on requests, as I had fallen off wattpad for awhile but I still have a list down.


Everyone at Bodwell High knew you as the bubbly one. You've always been friendly and liked to make friends. If anyone was down, you were the first to cheer them up, and take them shopping or whatever they would like after school. You were a senior, and all the underclassmen looked up to you. On the outside, everything seemed glamorous.

However, things weren't as glamorous or perfect as they seemed. You'd been dealing with mental health problems along with family violence since you were in elementary, and always felt you had to wear a mask to make everyone feel better than you did. You kept your smile on, never revealing how you really felt. Sometimes, this made you feel you didn't have anyone to talk to, even though you were well liked.

Of course, no one had a problem with this, except your classmate, Noah.

You didn't know why, but Noah hated you. Whenever you walked passed him, he would glare at you and ignore you. Whenever you tried striking up a conversation with him, he would act annoyed and brush you off. You hated to admit it, but it hurt a lot, because you had feelings for Noah. You liked him since second grade.

One day, after finding out your parents were finally getting a divorce, you just broke down in front of everyone during lunchtime. Your friends tried to comfort you, but you just wiped your tears, trying to act like everything is okay.

Noah watched you from the table across from yours in concern. He heard the whole commotion, but wondered why you just kept trying to act positive. He knew those tears were real, and that deep down something must've been building up.

You got up from your table to leave for the restroom to wash your face. Afterwards, you walked out to sit outside the school under a tree alone. Sometimes you liked to go here to clear your thoughts when you wanted to be alone.

"What's wrong?" Noah asked, hesitantly walking up to you.

You turned around, wiped your tears, and frowned. "Why would you care? You've always hated me."

"No.." Noah sighed, frowning in concern. He sat next to you. "I never hated you."

"Then why do you treat me like you do?"

Noah looked down in shame, "I was suspicious of you, because you were always smiling. I misjudged you, but now I see I was wrong."

You nodded, "It's not always easy for me to talk about this, because I've never wanted to face the reality of my situation. Showing the bright side only has always been a way for me to cope."

"I understand." Noah sighed. "Do you want to talk about what happened? I know I haven't been the nicest person, but I will listen."

You hesitated a little, feeling scared to tell him everything. You decided to only share what you were comfortable with, since you still barely knew Noah. Noah rubbed your back lightly, as you cried and assured you things would be okay.

"Do you want to hang out after school and get to know each other more?" You asked him. "I really enjoyed talking to you."

Noah smiled, "Sure."

You smiled. This wasn't so bad after all, and is the start of a beautiful friendship.

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