Overprotective - Noah x pregnant!reader

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Requested by: HelpIsimptoomuch
Setting: Adulthood, after Total drama


Noah made the final touches on cleaning the kitchen before Izzy, Owen and Eva arrived at the home you and him shared. You invited them over for dinner, since you haven't seen them since last year.

You were seven months pregnant with a boy, so when your friends heard the news, they promised to see you as soon as possible when they could. They had busy lives balancing work and fame from Total drama, so now that they had some free time, they were able to visit for dinner tonight and see you for the first time during your pregnancy. You missed them, and were excited to see them again.

Noah went to your bedroom, seeing you were fixing your hair. He hugged you from behind, feeling your baby bump. He smiled, putting his chin on your shoulder, "I love you."

You turned around and giggled. "Aww, I love you too, Noah!"

He didn't let go, continuing to hold you gently. You chuckled, noticing that something was off, "What's wrong?"

Noah sighed, leaning his head more onto your shoulder, "I just can't believe this is actually happening. We're going to have our first child together very soon."

"I can't believe it either." You smiled.

Noah smiled, but you could tell he was still nervous about something. You frowned, "Noah, are you okay?"

Noah thought for a moment before he replied, "Are you sure you want to have our friends over? They're rowdy and they might stress you out. I don't want them to stress you out when you're this far along."

"Don't worry about it." You assured him. "I know our friends can be.. A bit hyper, but I miss them. I'm happy for us to all hang out tonight after a year."

Noah nodded, trying not to focus too much on what could go wrong. He knew seeing your friends was important to you, especially because when you all were on Total Drama, your friends would defend and protect you against Heather. You all had such a deep bond, even years after the show ended.

A knock on the door signaled that your friends were here. You and Noah headed to the door to answer it, and Izzy pulled you into a hug.

"You're ready to pop soon, Y/N!" Izzy laughed, pinching your cheeks, then hugging you again. Owen laughed, then hugged both you and Izzy. Eva stood on the side, smiling a little.

Noah frowned, then went to separate you guys. "Please be gentle, guys."

"Sorry." Izzy chuckled, walking with you and Noah to the kitchen.

You tried to get your own food, but Noah insisted on getting it for you instead. You sighed, knowing Noah was being overprotective again and didn't want you to keep moving around so much. No matter how many times you tried to tell him you were fine and that the doctor said that moving around was healthy during pregnancy, he still basically waited on you hand and foot. He never let you do anything, except sit around to watch TV or eat. It can be frustrating.

Noah set your plate down in front of you, and you smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks, honey."

Noah kissed your cheek and sat next to you.

All of you began to catch up, and talk about what's been going on since last year. You learned that Eva is now an instructor for a kickboxing class, Izzy is in multiple reality shows doing dangerous stunts, and Owen just opened his own talk show after he quit acting.

"I just want to say congrats again, Y/N." Izzy smiled. "Actually, Owen and I got you and Noah something to help you relax a little during the pregnancy."

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