Unlikely pairs - Mal x nerdy!male reader

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Requested by: neko12griffin

AU: High school


Mal's typical school day was this: Sleep during class or skip class, pull pranks with Duncan, get into fights, then end up in detention. Today was no exception; Mal and Duncan were sent to the principal's office. Of course, they both got detention, but they didn't care. They were used to this.

As Mal got up to leave, Principal Hatchet called him back, "Wait, Mal. We need to talk."

Mal heaved a sigh, turning around. "What?"

Principal Hatchet took out a binder, sifting through the notes Mal's teachers gave him. "You're failing all your classes. Your teachers raised concerns, and we need to address it."

"I don't care. I'll just do good on exams." Mal muttered, knowing that's what he always did.

Principal Hatchet shook his head, "No, Mal. This is serious. You're not going to graduate if you fail, and you can't keep relying on trying hard last minute. We're assigning you a tutor."

"That's bullshit!" Mal snapped, clenching his fists. "There is no way I am agreeing to this!"

"Do you really want to risk not graduating? You won't graduate with your friends."

Mal thought about it for a moment. Normally, he wouldn't care because he didn't have friends, but he wanted to graduate. To him, graduating meant leaving this mess called Toronto.

"What's going to happen?" Mal sighed, taking a seat in front of the desk.

Principal Hatchet explained that Mal is going to be required to attend tutoring with the school's intellect who was a young man named Y/N L/N, who excelled every school year and is set to be valedictorian. Mal was to be tutored in all the subjects he was failing.

Mal knew his dad was going to get beyond pissed, and they already had a strained relationship. When he got home, he dreaded his dad coming home from work to yell at him about what the principal said.

"This day can't get any worse." Mal mumbled, opening the door to his house.

Whatever lies ahead for the dreadful tutoring, Mal didn't care. He just wanted to disappear.


"Hey Mal!" Scott laughed, giving Mal a sly smile, approaching him. "Duncan told me that you're a nerd now."

Mal furrowed his brows in confusion before realizing what Scott meant. Mal regretted confiding in Duncan about what happened. "Why did Duncan even tell you that?"

Scott shrugged, glaring into Mal's eyes, "Perhaps because he trusts me more than you. So tell me, where is Y/N? Since you and the biggest loser in school are going to be best friends now. If I were you, I'd be beyond embarrassed. I mean.. Hanging out with a geek? You can't get much lower than that."

"Fuck off, Scott!" Mal snapped, shoving past him. Mal knew that tutoring was going to mess with his reputation. He didn't understand why he told Duncan, who despite saying he respected Mal, actually hated him.

Maybe he just needed to talk to someone. Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing.

Mal shook his head, then dreadfully waited for after school to start and for his reputation to plummet.


By the time the bell rang, Mal knew that meant he had to go tutoring in the library with Y/N. He debated whether or not to skip and just cheat in his classes, but he knew his dad would find wherever he was then force him to go anyway. So, he headed his way to the library, with his expression as stoic as ever.

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