Fate intervened - Mal x reader

829 16 5

Requested by: lanadelray420
Setting: TDAS

You didn't have any problems with Mike, but you were absolutely afraid of Mal. Mal was a complete villain and you were always afraid he was going to come find you and hurt you.

However, Mal was intrigued by you. He had been crushing on you for quite some time and to him, you were different. He was drawn to your innocent and compassionate nature, and he thought you were a breath of fresh air in a world full of darkness. Mal found you enchanting, but his reputation often got in the way of his attempts to communicate with you.

Every time he approached you, you would flinch, run away, or hide. He understood your fear - he was aware of his image, but it hurt him deeply that you thought he might hurt you. It was a constant frustration that he couldn't seem to break through the wall you'd built around yourself.

"Y/N" Mal said, as he began to approach you. You felt chills down your spine then began to run.

Mal huffed in frustration, sinking to the ground. He wished he could prove to you that he cared and that he wouldn't harm you. But how could he do that when you're so afraid?

One day, fate intervened. Mal was walking back from a challenge when he saw you stumble and fall. You let out a cry of pain that echoed through the still air. He rushed over to find you wincing, clutching your ankle. You looked up to see him, your eyes wide with fear. You tried to move away, but the pain was too much.

Mal sighed softly, his features softening. "Y/N, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle.

He carefully picked you up, ignoring your initial protests, and carried you to the infirmary. All the while, he reassured you that he was going to take care of you and that he wouldn't hurt you.

"Shh." Mal whispered, stroking your hair. You tense up, but gradually relaxed against his touch. Mal smiled a little, then continued walking. He held you closer to him, as you felt his heartbeat against your back.

As Mal lied you down onto the bed, he made sure to stay by your side until Chef arrived. He held your hand the whole time, and started engaging in a conversation with you. He told you some stories about himself, beyond the darkness, and even made you laugh.

You smiled, then spoke for the first time, "Thank you, Mal."

Mal's heart skipped a beat as he cracked a small smile. "Anything for you, Y/N." You started to open up to Mal, sharing your dreams, your quirks, and your connection with him deepened.

As the weeks went by, your fear gradually began to fade and you started seeing the kindness in Mal's actions, the sincerity in his words. You began to realize that Mal was not the monster he seemed to be.

Instead of feeling fear, you began to feel something else when you saw Mal. You found yourself waiting for his visits, looking forward to his company. It wasn't long before you recognized these feelings for what they were - you were falling for Mal.

"Hey Y/N." Mal greeted, sitting beside you. He put his hand above yours, giving you a comforting smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm starting to feel better, thanks to you." you whispered, smiling back at him. Mal's grin grew wider. He loved that you were beginning to realize how much he cared. It was a strange twist of fate, but sometimes things happen for a reason.


The next day, Mal entered your cabin quietly, sat down next to you, and handed you a bowl of soup. He spoke softly, offering his support and comfort. "To make you feel better."

You smiled, thanking him before taking the soup. You both sat in silence as you ate, before you spoke up, feeling slightly nervous. "I don't understand."

Mal turned towards you, his expression concerned. "What do you mean?" He asked.

You took a deep breath and gathered your thoughts for a moment before continuing, "You're kind and gentle. Yet you're cold and mean. It's fascinating."

Mal frowned then tilted your chin to look at him, "What are you talking about?"

You chuckled and shook your head, "It's just fascinating. I can't help but wonder why you're like that."

Mal rolled his eyes and sighed with a small smile, "I don't know either, Y/N. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding myself."

You nodded in understanding. "I get that. I just..Appreciate you for who you are."

Mal's heart swelled with affection as he wrapped his arm around you. "I appreciate you too, Y/N. More than anything."


As your ankle slowly began to heal, you and Mal gradually spent more time together. You would take walks along the beach together, sharing stories and laughter. The two of you became close and would talk for hours on end.

Mal would tell you about his past, the struggles he had faced, and the battles he had fought within himself. You listened with empathy and understanding, realizing that there was more to Mal than his tough exterior.

"I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." You assured Mal, causing him to feel a sense of relief wash over him.

"That means the world to me, Y/N." Mal told you, taking your hands in his. "I promise that I'll always protect you."

Mal began to open up more to you in a way he had never done with anyone else. He shared his fears and insecurities, allowing you to see the vulnerable side of him that he rarely let others witness. Your presence brought out the best in him, and he felt a growing sense of comfort and acceptance whenever you and him were together.

One evening, as you and Mal sat on the sand underneath the starlit sky, Mal gathered the courage to confess his feelings to you, "Y/N, I've had feelings for you for quite some time. I never thought I would find someone who sees beyond the darkness inside me, but you do. You make me want to be a better person."

Your heart skipped a beat, and took a moment to gather your thoughts before responding, "Mal, I was afraid of you because of what I had heard, but now I see that there's so much more to you than meets the eye. I want to explore where this would lead."

Mal reached out and took your hand in his, your fingers intertwining. He kissed your hand gently, causing a wave of warmth to spread through your chest.

You and Mal continued to sit on the sand in silence under the night sky, as the waves crashed together. You leaned closer to Mal, and he wrapped his arm around you.

"I'm glad we gave each other a chance." You whispered, causing Mal to pull you even closer.

"I'm glad too, Y/N."

Sometimes, fate has a way of working things out and that was exactly how the love story between you and Mal began.

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