Slow dancing in a burning room - Mal x reader ANGST

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Requested by: Yumi_is_ticklish
Setting: Adulthood

You walked into the jailhouse feeling a palpable sense of dread, which only increased as you realized that you were about to meet someone who had once been the love of your life but who had become a stranger.

You and Mal had your differences over the years, but you always tried to see the good in him. You were always willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when it came to his sometimes questionable lifestyle choices. However, you couldn't deny that this was taking a toll on you.

Almost nobody was supportive of your relationship with Mal, and you couldn't blame them. Mal's antics have cost your safety in multiple scenarios, whether it's a gang breaking into your home to threaten you over something Mal did or Mal getting into a fight with someone. You always tried to prove them that they were wrong, but you knew you couldn't run away from the truth, despite the fact that you loved him.

"Are you really going to visit him?" Your best friend Natalie said, as she talked on the phone with you."

You sighed, "Mal just needs someone to believe in him, Nat. Let me give him a chance."

"He's going to hurt you, again!" Natalie exclaimed. You can picture her scowl on the other line. "Y/N, I'm tired of seeing you risking your life for him. Let him go."

You tried to not snap at her, because you knew she was right. But you didn't want to give up on Mal just yet, "Natalie, please just be patient with me. Let me talk to Mal first."

Natalie stayed silent on the line before replying, "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." With that,  she hung up.

You sighed then the correctional officer guided you into the visitation room, but of course, first you had to turn in your cell phone since it wasn't allowed.

"Hey." You greeted Mal, arriving in the visiting room with a smile. You could tell by the way he was sitting that he had been waiting for you.

Mal sat at the small table, his expression guarded and distant. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of the person he used to be. However, it quickly faded, overshadowed by the weight of his actions and the consequences he now faced.

Mal gave you a faint smile, a bittersweet reflection of the past. "Hey..Thanks for coming."

"Of course." You whispered. You always visited Mal, even when he acted careless.

You wanted to find the right words, to bridge the growing distance between you and the person you loved. However, the truth hung in the air, unspoken yet undeniable. The love you felt for Mal was slowly being consumed by the flames of turmoil and incompatibility.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, Mal," You confessed, trying to hold back your emotions. "I've tried so hard to believe in us, to believe in you."

Mal's gaze dropped, his shoulders slumping. "I know. I've brought nothing but chaos and pain into your life. I never wanted it to be this way."

"I love you." You told him. "I know you have a thrill of chaos, but we need to make sure our safety isn't at stake. Do you think we can try?"

Mal reached out to hold your hand, "I promise, Y/N. From now on."

You smiled, feeling a glimmer of hope. "I believe you. Let's work through this together."

After Mal served his time in jail, you made sure he meant what he said, that he would change and he wouldn't cause chaos anymore. Your best friend and your family thought you were making a stupid mistake, but you were determined to prove them wrong about Mal.

Mal promised that this time, he would keep his promise and for the first few weeks, he was fine. He took you out on gentle dates, avoided interacting with other criminals and even apologized sincerely whenever he was wrong. It was the bare minimum but when it came to dating Mal, that was a big step.

You and Mal were taking a walk along the moonlit beach for another proper date since his promises. It felt peaceful and just right. For once, everything felt normal, like you didn't have a boyfriend who constantly went to either prison or jail.

"Y/N, I want you to know how much you mean to me," Mal whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I never thought I could find someone who accepted me for who I am, despite my scars. You've shown me a love I never knew existed."

A part of you wanted to believe in Mal's transformation, to hold onto the possibility of a future together, but doubts lingered because he had promised this before.

"Mal, I appreciate your efforts, I really do," You began. "But there's still this lingering fear inside me. Fear that one day, the darkness within you will resurface."

Mal's eyes filled with pain as he listened to your words. "I understand your fear, Y/N. I can't erase my past, but I can promise you that I'll do everything in my power to keep that darkness at bay. I'll fight for us, for our love."

"I want to believe you, Mal. I want to believe that love can conquer all. But the scars run deep, and trust takes time to rebuild. I need you to be patient with me, to understand that healing isn't a linear path."

Mal took your hands in his. "I'll wait for you, Y/N. I'll be patient, and I'll prove to you that I'm committed to change. Just give me a chance to show you."

"I will."

As you held each other in that beach, you couldn't help but wonder if love truly had the power to overcome the scars of the past. Only time would tell if your love story would end with a slow dance in the ashes or rise from the flames, stronger than ever before.

However, you still had hope. You had hope that Mal could return to be the same person you fell in love with.

Despite Mal's efforts to change, the chaos he desired still lingered within him. As much as you wanted to believe in his transformation, the reality was that the darkness he had promised to keep at bay had once again consumed him.

You often found Mal lying to you about little things such as where he would go to at night and he would also take money from your bank account.

You also found yourself in dangerous situations once again because of him. You tried, you really did try your best to see this as just a work in progress towards change with bumps in the road, but you reached your breaking point.

One day, the news of an intense robbery shook you to the core, knowing that Mal was involved. Mal had officially fallen back into his old ways, succumbing to the thrill of danger.

You knew that it was time to walk away, for the sake of your safety and wellbeing.

You headed to the prison to visit Mal one last time, with a bittersweet feeling in your heart. You knew you had to do this, despite the fact that it will hurt.

"Mal." You said, sitting across from him. Mal nodded in silence, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

"I can't do this anymore, Mal. I can't keep pretending that things will magically change. Everything is falling apart.. We're doomed."

Mal's expression crumbled, his eyes filled with regret and resignation. "I understand," He whispered.

You stood up, your footsteps echoing in the silence, leaving Mal in the lonely place, unsure when he would ever be released. His crime had severe consequences and it was all over the news.

As you turned to leave, you gave one last glance to the person who had captured your heart and shattered it into a million pieces. You felt a mix of sorrow and relief.

In the end, the flames of chaos consumed Mal, and the weight of his actions led him down a path of no return.

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