Extraordinary routines - Brick x reader

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Requested by: Whallythewhale123
Setting: Adulthood 


For Brick, everything is a routine. Because he has been involved in military life since his teens, where he joined ROTC and has family in the military, he is used to a structured life. 

You, on the other hand, were the polar opposite of him. You have been engaged to Brick for about a year now and were more "silly," carefree, and spontaneous than he was used to. However, Brick didn't mind. In fact, he loved your goofiness. 

Today, you and Brick decided to paint together outside on the balcony since he had a rare day off from his military duties. You both choose canvases and start painting side by side. Brick carefully selected his brushes, planning his every stroke ahead. Meanwhile, you dived right in, using your fingers to create all kinds of paintings.

You noticed Brick already looking stressed out yet concentrated about the painting. He kept reading the directions, discarding the painting and starting fresh until he was sure it was perfect. 

"Brick," You chuckled, glancing at his concentrated look. "We're doing this to relax, remember?"

Brick nodded, "Right."

For the next several minutes, Brick truly tried to have fun with the painting, by not taking it seriously and just enjoying the experience. However, he kept finding himself back to trying to follow the steps and maintaining order. 

Thinking of an idea, you decided to help Brick see what fun really is. You glanced down at your paintings then smiled mischievously. You playfully dabbed a blob of black paint onto your paint brush then flicked it towards Brick's face. 

"Hey!" Brick exclaimed in surprise. 

You giggled, "Now you look whimsical."

Brick chuckled then set aside the canvas then got a blob of blue paint then smeared it onto your nose, "Now you look like a smurf."

"It's on!

And just like that, a full-blown paintball war erupts in the balcony. Paint blobs fly through the air, creating a bled of colors. You and Brick's laughter echoed through the balcony as you both dodged the paint blobs, trying to hit each other's canvases while avoiding getting splattered yourselves.

As the paintball fight draws to a close, you and Brick stand among the mess, covered head to toe in vibrant colors. 

"You look like a rainbow threw up on you because you were abducted by aliens." You chuckled, smearing a splatter of pink paint onto his lips. 

Brick flashed you a smile, leaning in to kiss you on the lips, leaving your lips covered in a thick layer of pink paint. He pulled back, looking at his handiwork with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Y/N, for making me remember to have fun." 

You nodded, "Of course. I care about you, Brick and I don't like seeing you stressed out too much."

Brick's eyes meet yours, and he pulls you into a warm embrace, whispering, "I love your silliness, Y/N. It brings color to my world."

"And I love your disciplined, military like self." You told him. "We compliment each other perfectly."

You and Brick noticed you were surrounded by a chaotic mess of paint-splattered canvases and a balcony in dire need of cleaning. Instead of approaching the task with seriousness, you both decide to make the cleanup process just as fun and creative as the paintball fight itself, thanks to your amazing carefree nature.

Brick went into the house to grab a speaker, along with cleaning items. Brick uses a mop while you opt for a broom, and you set off on your mission to restore order to the balcony. As you swept and mopped, you couldn't resist incorporating playful dance moves and twirls, turning the task into a dance off.

You and Brick laughed as you danced and cleaned the balcony to pop music, each exchanging flirtatious remarks along the way. You felt like you were back in high school again, and it was the most romantic thing in the world.

"Remember that time when I pranked the principal and you had to bail me out?" You chuckled, remembering back in high school when your silliness got the best of you. 

Brick grinned, putting the mop aside to scrub the walls. "I remember that. If it wasn't for me, you would have been suspended."

You sighed contently, "And then after that, you lectured me about teamwork and good manners. At first, I found it annoying, but now that I look back, I understand why. You help me find a balance between mischief and responsibility."

"You do the same thing for me too, Y/N." Brick admitted, "I may have been initially annoyed with that prank, but it was kind of funny. You help me find a balance between being too serious and allowing myself to enjoy the little things in life."

"We make a pretty good pair, don't we?"

"Yes, we do."

You and Brick continue your cleanup efforts and devised a game, challenging each other to see who can collect the most paint-splattered canvases in the shortest amount of time. You both playfully dart around, competing to gather the remnants of your paintball battle.

"Looks like I won." Brick laughed, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 

You smiled, "It was fun, wasn't it?"


You and Brick decided to rest onto a pile of clean, paint-free towels that you found tucked away in a corner of the balcony. Brick pulled you closer, as you watched the clouds together, talking about which one looked like whatever you imagined. 

As you and Brick lay down together, cuddling under the clouds, you silently appreciated your contrasting personalities, knowing that together you can turn even the most mundane tasks into extraordinary adventures and routines. 

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