See you soon - Carrie x reader

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Requested by: Furry_Takayama
Setting: A mall + indoor amusement park

"No you are!" Devin gushed, leaning onto Shelly. Shelly giggled, pushing Devin away. The couple held hands, as they walked together around the mall.

Carried sighed, walking behind the couple once again, holding their shopping bags. It wasn't clear to her why she agreed to hang out with them for a mall day, when she was obviously going to be a third wheel. She didn't understand why she still liked Devin, when he never saw her the way she wanted to, and when he seemed to always ignore her for Shelly, the girl who would always treat him like shit.

As much as Carrie loved Devin, she was tired of always being treated like she was invisible. She loved him for as long as she could remember, but she was beginning to lose hope. Was he even worth this? She didn't know whether she would be able to move on or not.

"Carrie?" Devin asked, snapping Carrie out of her thoughts.

"Yeah?" Carrie asked, looking up from the ground.

Devin smiled, "Can you watch Shelly and I's stuff while we go to the mall's amusement park?"

Carrie sighed, but smiled and tried to hide her sadness. "Sure thing, homie."

"Thanks homie." Devin smiled, taking Shelly's hand as they walked away. Carrie sat on the bench, while Devin and Shelly walked away to pay for rides.

Shelly looked back, when Devin didn't notice, and flipped Carrie off. Shelly mouthed, "He's mine, bitch."

Carrie huffed in anger, biting her tongue. She knew not to respond back to Shelly, or Devin would hate her for it. Carrie didn't want to lose Devin, especially because they'd been best friends since childhood. So, she decided to just put up with it until he eventually realizes that Shelly is not a nice girl.

Carrie felt a tear escape, but she tried to push it back. However, she was a point where she couldn't stop the tears from falling. She covered her face, feeling embarrassed to cry in public.

"Hey, are you okay?" She heard someone ask. She looked up, seeing a pretty girl named Y/N L/N gazing at her in concern.

Carrie forced a smile, wiping her tears. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"It doesn't seem like it." You smiled, "Why are you sitting here by yourself? Did you need help holding your stuff?"

Carrie shook her head. "I just.. I'm with my best friend, Devin, and his girlfriend. Even though I was invited, the whole day they weren't talking to me and just had me hold their stuff or get food for them. I guess I just felt frustrated and broke down."

"That's messed up." You replied, sitting next to her. "They shouldn't be leaving you out, even though they're together. I mean, they invited you as their friend, not as a servant."

"Yup." Carrie sighed. "They bought numerous things, well, most of them were Shelly's things. I want to leave, but they're my ride."

"I would offer you a ride, but.. We just met each other." You chuckled. "Do you want to hang out? Maybe if we go on some of the rides together, it will make you feel better. I'll help you hold some of Shelly's stuff too."

Carrie smiled, standing up from the bench. She felt surprised by how easygoing you were. "Sure! But what's your name?"

"My name is Y/N." You smiled, reaching your hand out. "What's yours?"

"Carrie." Carrie responded, shaking your hand. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."

You and Carrie walked around the amusement park to decide what ride to choose. You had Carrie decide first, since she was obviously still upset over Devin. Carrie decided on the pirate ship.

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