Rift - Noah x reader

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Requested by: Cpsmos and helpisimptoomuch
Setting: TDWT - I see London 
Note: You both requested the same concept :) For this plot, let's pretend the statue was used in TDWT since I know it's usually used in ROTI and TDAS.

I'm going to skip the singing scenes. 

You glanced at Noah and Owen in longing, as they laughed and conversed with each other about Sierra having no life and her needing to buy one on craigslist. You sighed, knowing deep down it was your fault. You unknowingly gave into Alejandro's manipulation and let him flirt and sway you while you and Noah were still friends, just about to build your blossoming romantic relationship. You wished you couldn't have been so blind, knowing you lost something special because of it. 

Noah watched you from his side eye, feeling a pang of guilt for not hearing you out sooner. He was disappointed in himself for not being there for you when you needed him most. Alejandro was manipulative and knew how to play the game and exploit others' insecurities and fears. Noah knew he failed in understanding you. However, you didn't even blame him. 

"Buddy, what's wrong?" Owen asked, noticing Noah was deep in thought. 

"It's Y/N." Noah sighed, gazing it you. You were also deep in thought and didn't notice Noah staring at you. "I miss her."

"Man, just go talk to her." Owen chuckled, "It's obvious she still cares about you. I mean, look at her. She's like a lost puppy."

Noah chuckled at Owen's comment, finding his description of you cute. He wanted to talk to you, but he was unsure how to approach you. 

Soon, Chris began explaining the challenge then you all had to select parachutes. To your amusement, Noah had to share his parachute with Owen. You all jumped off a plane and you giggled a bit, hearing Noah's scream, since his was the loudest. You missed how you two used to get into playful banter about it. 

You all landed in random places and you were relieved you didn't get squished. However, Noah got squished by Owen, so you decided to check on him. 

You cautiously approached Noah as you all headed on the train, "Noah."

Noah looked up at you in surprise, "Y/N."

You tried to push down your nerves. "Do you want to work on the challenge together?"

Before Noah could say anything, Owen chimed in, "Hell yeah! We'd love to have you work with us, Y/N."

You nodded, glancing at Noah to see if he was okay with it, but he looked unsure. He looked down and seemed to be contemplating something. 

Chris began explaining the challenge, which was to catch the Ripper. You were nervous because you knew all about Jack the Ripper. He was an unidentified serial killer and you didn't know what would happen. 

Sensing your unease, Noah leaned in and whispered, "It's okay. I'll be with you every step of the way."

You blushed slightly, feeling bittersweet about this. This reminded you of how Noah was always protective of you before the incident happened. You had a feeling that he was thinking about that night, and how you had ruined everything between the two of you.

The challenge started, where you all had to find the clue by stripping the guards. After the song ended, each team found their clues then proceeded to follow the steps as they worked to complete the challenge. 

You, Noah and Owen headed to the torture chamber and Tyler volunteered himself since he was flexible. 

As you and Noah began preparing for the task, Noah began speaking about Alejandro, "Quick, tie him down before Alejandro shows up and makes me do it just because I'm shorter."

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