Meet my cat named Whiskers - Sammy x male!reader FLUFF

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Requested by: CarlosMartinez921457
Setting: Y/N's house, high school senior year 

Note: Fun fact! I have a calico cat named Whiskers, and I decided to feature her for this oneshot :)

Also, Y/N is a male here! I just didn't know how to mention gender in this story, since this is a FLUFF and I typically have a hard time incorporating gender into fluffs for all genders in my stories.


"And then.. Amy stole my uniform then dyed it to make me get in trouble." 

Your heart sank even lower each time you heard your girlfriend cry on the phone and vent about her sister, Amy. You have been dating Sammy for a month, and know all about her situation. You wanted nothing more than to protect her and make her feel better. 

"Sammy." You calmy interrupted. 

You heard her sniffle at the end of the line, "Yes?"

"Come over. I think I know what will help you feel better, even if it's just a little bit. Um.. Are you allergic to cats?"

"No, why?"

"Just come over." You told her, smiling. "I want you to meet my cat named Whiskers."

"Okay, Y/N." Sammy answered, with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

Whiskers was a calico colored cat, your first cat, and she always knew how to make you feel better, so you figured Sammy could use her company. Animals have a calming effect on people, especially those who are healing from trauma. 

After hanging up the phone, you got up to gather materials to bake chocolate chip cookies, since you knew Sammy loved sweets. You carefully prepared the cookies then baked them, waiting for Sammy to arrive. 

After two hours, Sammy arrived at your place, shrugging her coat off the couch. She gave you a shy smile, as you held out Whiskers to her. "She's so cute." 

"She is." You told her, petting Whiskers' ears. "I just thought it would be helpful for you to spend time with her, since Whiskers has a calming effect on people. Also, I know she will love you. Look! She loves you already."

Whiskers nuzzled into Sammy's hand, as Sammy scratched Whiskers behind her ears. Whiskers purred, then curled into a ball, a contented expression on her face. Sammy couldn't help the grin that took over, feeling a burst of affection for your cat. 

"She's adorable." Sammy whispered, feeling the tension from earlier disappear. "Thank you for letting me play with her, Y/N."

"Of course." You smiled, pecking Sammy's cheek. "I also baked cookies for you."

"Really?" Sammy looked up, surprised. "You're amazing!"

"Anything for my girl." 

You went to the kitchen then handed Sammy a plate of her favorite chocolate chip cookies. You sat beside Sammy on the couch, wrapping your arm around her. Whiskers jumped on the couch, trying to eat the cookies. 

"No, Whiskers!" Sammy giggled, holding the plate away. Whiskers simply tried to paw at the plate, which melted both you and Sammy's hearts. 

"Looks like Whiskers is a cookie monster." You chuckled, tickling Whiskers' ears. 

Sammy reached over to Whiskers, feeling a smile spread across her face, as she felt the soothing rumbles of Whiskers' purr. Sammy felt a sense of calmness with your cat, and you were more than happy about it. 

"Do you want to talk more about earlier?" You asked, referring to that incident with Amy. 

Sammy shook her head, giving you a soft smile. "No, it's okay. I just want to focus on right now, being here with you and your baby."

You nodded, then assured her, "Let me know if you change your mind. I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe and loved, Sammy."

Sammy kissed your cheeks, shyly blushing. "You already make me feel safe and loved, Y/N. I'm lucky to have you."

There for the next hour, you and Sammy sat on the couch, petting Whiskers and whispering sweet nothings to each other. The more you spent time playing with Whiskers, the more Sammy began to feel a glimmer of hope. Your relationship with Sammy taught her that there are good people in this world, and she deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. 

After today, you knew to help Sammy navigate through a path to healing, whether it's seeking counseling or playing with your cat. These little things mattered to Sammy, and she knew you were the right person for her. 

Sammy knew it may still take time for her to open up to the authorities about her situation with Amy, but with your love and Whiskers' comforting presence, you were her beacons of hope that she was not alone anymore.  

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