I'll protect you - Alejandro x Shy!reader

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AU: High school
Age: 17

Requested by: @Wolfchibi27
Hope you like it!

Note: as of 8/26/23 I edited the line "You better leave my angel alone" to "You better leave Y/N alone," because some of you are just downright harsh. This oneshot was made when I literally just started writing oneshots. Be kind.
"Hola, como estas?" Y/N said, presenting a dialogue with her partner Gwen.

Speaking up was difficult for Y/N, because she was shy around others. Everyone knew her to have a soft spoken voice and calm demeanor. Today was a dialogue presentation for Spanish and Y/N did her best to not mess up or embarrass herself.

Gwen replied, "Yo estoy bien y tú."

"Yo también." Y/N answers, softly.

Alejandro was zoning out at his desk, daydreaming about the h/c haired beauty in front of him. He's been watching her for weeks now, ever since she transferred to Bodwell high, in the beginning of their senior year.

"I can't hear her!" Amy complained from the back.

"Yeah, she needs to speak louder!" Dakota added.

Alejandro glanced at Y/N and saw her turn red in embarrassment. Feeling sorry for the girl, he decided to step in.

"Hey, I could hear her and she's doing great." Alejandro defended. "You both are just listening to music back there, that's why you can't hear her."

Amy and Dakota sat back down, turning their phones off.

Y/N sent Alejandro a grateful smile and he winked back at her.


Lunch was Alejandro's favorite time of the day. It wasn't because of the food or his friends, he just wanted to relax and have time away from work.

Alejandro sat at his table, waiting for his friends Duncan, Justin and Lightning to arrive. As he looked around the cafeteria, he spotted Y/N sitting by herself.

Alejandro furrowed his brows in concern. Another thing he did notice about Y/N was she always sat alone. He got up from his seat and walked towards her.

"Why is a girl as pretty as you always by yourself?" Alejandro asked, sitting next to Y/N.

Y/N smiled sheepishly, "I guess it's just hard for me to make friends."

Alejandro frowned, thinking of what to say. "I've noticed you are very shy. Is there a reason for that?"

Y/N was silent for a moment. Alejandro noticed how uncomfortable she was and continued, "You can talk to me, Y/N."

Y/N decided to just tell him and replied, "I'm just scared of what people may think. I'm afraid if I open myself up to others, they would judge me."

Alejandro nodded, trying to understand. He had never felt that way before, so this was interesting to him.

"Well I won't judge you." Alejandro smiled. "I could never judge a beautiful woman."

Y/N felt her face heat up, and tried to hide her smile. "That's very nice of you."

The two spent the rest of their lunch hour getting to know each other. Y/N felt herself growing to become attracted to the guy. She didn't only like him for his looks, but his charm and kind nature.

As Y/N walked to class, she felt someone call after her. She turned and saw it was a girl named Bridgette.

"Y/N, I must warn you about Alejandro." Bridgette said urgently. "He's not a good guy."

Y/N tilted her head in confusion. "He was nice to me in lunch. He even stood up for me in class."

Bridgette shook her head. "Trust me, he's not. He's a total player and he's most likely messing with you. Just be careful, okay?"

Y/N nodded and walked to class, thinking about what Bridgette just told her.

"Alejandro couldn't be bad, right?" She thought to herself. "I mean, he stood up for me and took the time to talk to me. No one had ever done that before."

A lot of doubt and heartbreak took over Y/N's thoughts, until the next day.


"Mi Amor." Alejandro grinned, sitting beside Y/N at her lunch table.

Y/N looked uneasy. Alejandro noticed this and got worried.

"What's wrong, beautiful?"

Y/N went for it, "Are you playing me?"

Alejandro looked at her in surprise. "Where would you get that idea? Of course I'm not messing with you."

Y/N sighed, running her hands through her hair. "Bridgette told me that you're a player and you're messing with me."

Alejandro sulked in his seat. "This time it's different, Y/N. I could never.. I could never hurt you like that. You see, I've been watching you since you came here and only want to protect you."

Y/N looked down, unsure of what to believe.

"I have to go." Y/N said, standing up.

It's not that she didn't want to believe Alejandro, it's that she's scared of getting hurt. She didn't want to be taken advantage of by someone she had feelings for.

As Y/N walked to her locker, she felt someone throw a rock at her, causing her to fall.

Y/N groaned and stood up, seeing Amy and Taylor smirking, with their fists curled up.

"Is your boyfriend not here to defend you?" Amy cackled. Taylor laughed, and grabbed Y/N pinning her to the locker.

"Your boyfriend made me look stupid in class." Amy snarled. "Because of him, I got a detention for using my phone!"

"But Dakota had detention too." Y/N said, shaking in fear.

"I don't give a shit about Dakota!"

"It's not his fault." You stammered. "Please just leave me alone."

Amy raised her hand at Y/N, before someone grabbed it.

"What the fuck?!" She snapped, and saw Alejandro holding her arm back.

"You better leave Y/N alone." Alejandro snapped. He let go of her arm, and gently pulled Y/N away from Taylor.

"The next time you bother Y/N, I'll have to make sure you'll get another detention." Alejandro warned Amy, then turned towards Taylor. "And I'll make sure you join her."

The two girls nodded in fear, then ran off.

Alejandro quickly pulled Y/N into a hug. "Are you okay, mi amor?"

Y/N nodded, shaking slightly. "Thank you for standing up for me. Again." She chuckled.

Alejandro smiled, and kissed her forehead. "I'll always protect you."

Y/N took Alejandro's hand, and they walked back to the cafeteria together, smiling at each other.

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