The first date - Noah x reader

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Requested by : Fantastic_emma
Setting: Adult, after total drama

First dates were always a nerve wrecking experience. There is so much pressure to make a good impression to the one you really like, and if you mess up, there is no chance there would be a second.

Your cousin Izzy decided to set you up on a date with her friend Noah from total drama. You watched all seasons, and Noah particularly caught your interest. When you told Izzy, she got excited, because she thought you and Noah would look great together. You freaked out, when she told you he agreed to go on a date with you.

Throughout the day before your date with Noah tonight, you imagines so many romantic scenarios of him sweeping you off your feet. You imagined there would be classical music, roses, and the both of you getting lost in each other's eyes.

However, this date wasn't going as planned.

You and Noah were at a cafe, silently looking around, avoiding eye contact with each other. You looked down at your phone, running your hand through your hair, while Noah sipped his water. You weren't sure what you expected, but you didn't expect things to be so awkward, then again, you and Noah barely know each other.

After three minutes of complete awkward silence, Noah cleared his throat and asked, "How is the food?"

You stiffly nodded, "It's alright. Are you enjoying the food too?"

Noah nodded, then began eating his soup. You looked down at your phone again, blushing a bit at how awkward this was.

Just as you put your phone down, you knocked down your tea, and it spilled across the table. You got up quickly, and wiped the mess, while blushing, and apologizing to Noah.

He gave you a small smile. "It's okay, Y/N. Here, let me help." Noah stood up from his seat, and helped you wipe the liquid off the table. You put your hand on the side of your head, feeling your face heat up.

"I just had to be clumsy on our first date." You thought.

After Noah helped you clean the mess, you headed to the restroom to clear your head from the uncomfortable situation.

You closed the door from behind you, and let out a deep breath. You dialed Izzy's number and after two minutes, she picked up.

"Hi Y/N-"

"This date is a disaster!" You told her, rubbing your forehead.

"Why would you say that?" Izzy asked.

You sighed, and walked near the restroom mirror. "It's so awkward and we both don't know what to say. He seems a bit shy and it doesn't help that I am too."

"Y/N, you just need confidence. How about you keep the conversation going? Find out what he likes to do, what his favorite color is, I don't know! Just don't keep to yourself."

You smiled. "Thanks Izzy."

"No problem."

You hung up, and heard a knock on the door. "Y/N?" You heard Noah ask from the other side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Noah continued to speak, "Look, I'm just as nervous as you are. Things are weird right now, but I still would like to get to know you more.. I think.. I think you're really amazing, from what Izzy told me about you."

You opened the door, walking out of the restroom, and smiled at him,. "I hope there was nothing embarrassing she said about me."

Noah smiled. "Not at all. Do you want to get out of here? Maybe we need to go somewhere less crowded."

You looked around, seeing the cafe filled with many people and hearing the laughter of some families, while they ate together.

"We should."

You and Noah split the bill, and left the cafe, then walked into his car. He started driving, then asked, "Where would you like to go?"

You thought to yourself for a moment. "How about we go to some of our favorite places? That way we can really get to know each other more."

Noah smiled. "Sounds like a plan."


You and Noah decided to take a walk around the city, where you wanted to go exploring. You never explored the city at night and decided tonight would be a great opportunity.

Noah parked his car at Burger King. You both got out of the car, and you immediately grinned at the city lights and the stars shining in the night sky. Noah gazed at your happy expression, and smiled to himself, finding you adorable.

"Let's get lost together." You smirked at Noah. Noah chuckled, and started walking around the city with you, admiring all the different buildings and places you've both never seen before.

As you and Noah were walking, you both talked about the opportunities you would like to experience. You learned a lot about each other's childhoods, and what your biggest fears were. If it wasn't already possible, your feelings for Noah started growing even more.

You spotted a fountain, and said, "Let's make a wish!"

Noah chuckled a bit, and decided to humor you by throwing in a coin. He doesn't believe in wishes, but he was really having a great time with you.

You threw your coin into the fountain, then turned towards him smiling widely. "What did you wish for?"

Noah smiled shyly. "For more nights like this."

You blushed, and looked down, before taking Noah's hand. "It's your turn to decide what you would like to do."


Noah took you to the nearby arcade in the city. You both challenged each other on who can shoot the most zombies, and played some trivia games. Noah won most of it, but you still had so much fun.

After a few more rounds of air hockey, you and Noah walked to his car, since it was already 9:30pm and you both were tired. When you got into his car, he rolled down the window, and you felt the wind blow through your hair, as he drove you home.

"I had fun with you tonight." You told him.

"I had fun too." Noah said, then glanced at you. He tucked a hair behind your ear, and you smiled at the gesture.

"Don't crash the car." You giggled, and he laughed.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I want us to be alive to go on a date again."

You looked at him, surprised. "You really mean that?"

Noah nodded, focusing on the road. He stopped at the red light, then responded, "I do. I really like you and being around you. I know we just met, but I would like to spend more time with you, before seeing how things work out between us."

You smiled. "I would like that too."

Once Noah arrived at your apartment, you felt a bit sad, because you didn't want him to go. Noah got down with you to your front door, making sure you were safe.

"I guess I'll see you again sometime." You said to Noah.

Noah nodded, and gave you his phone. "I forgot to ask for your number."

You put your number in his phone, and he texted you with a nerd emoji. You smiled, adding his number back.

As you turned to open your door, Noah quickly grabbed you, and turned you to face him. You jumped up in surprised, and he held you tighter to kiss your cheek, with a deep blush on his face.

"See you later, Y/N." He ran back into his car, and you watched him drive away.

You kept your hand on where he kissed you, as you were blushing madly, with butterflies swarming in your stomach. "Best date ever."

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