Acceptance - Duncan x male!reader

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Requested by: Kermit_King

AU: High school


Last year, you and Duncan formed a special bond, and your friendship blossomed into something more. You became inseparable, almost like partners in crime.

However, there was one major obstacle standing in the way: your parents. They were traditional and had difficulty accepting that their son was gay. The fact that you were dating someone like Duncan only fueled their disapproval.

"Babe, check this out!" Duncan laughed, showing you his next prank. He was going to fill a bunch of water balloons and hide them in the principal's office. "Chris won't see this coming."

You nodded, trying to force out a smile. Your parents' comments about you and Duncan have been getting to you lately. Their comments have only been getting harsher, and it's making you uneasy.

"Y/N? What's wrong, sweetheart?" Duncan asked, concerned, as he sat down next to you and put an arm around you.

"I don't know..My parents have been pretty harsh lately, and it's been getting to me."

"Why?" Duncan asked, confused. He knew about your rocky relationship with your parents, but he didn't know that your relationship with him was adding fuel to the fire.

"It's just.. They think you're a bad influence." You replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "They don't think I should be with you.. But I promise, Duncan, it's no big deal. They'll get over it and hopefully will realize we love each other, truly."

"It is a big deal, Y/N. I didn't realize how serious this is. I'll think of something, okay?" Duncan told you, squeezing your hand in reassurance.

"You don't have to do anything, Duncan, just know that I still love you, no matter what happens."

Determined to win over your parents' approval, Duncan decided to take matters into his own hands and prove to them that he was worthy of your love.

He believed that if he could show them that he was committed to you and capable of providing a good life, they might come to understand his love for you and accept your relationship. He did not only want to do this for himself, but for you and to take the emotional toll off of you.

A few days had passed since you and Duncan had that conversation, and he asked if he could accompany you to one of your family gatherings. At first, you were hesitant but agreed because you were curious to see what might happen.

Duncan wore a nice button up and his usual shorts, walking hand in hand with you in the restaurant to meet your family. You noticed your relatives seemed surprised, but some of them didn't mind and greeted you and Duncan with warm smiles.

You noticed Duncan was nervous, which was unlike him, so you gently squeezed his hand in reassurance. Duncan smiled, appreciatively.

"Duncan." You whispered into his ear, sitting with him at the table. "Even if things don't go as planned, remember my feelings for you won't change."

Duncan turned towards you, his eyes filled with gratitude and a hint of relief. He took a deep breath before responding, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you," He replied, his voice laced with emotion. "That means more to me than you'll ever know. I love you, and I want your family to see how much you mean to me."

As the evening progressed, conversations flowed, laughter filled the air, and Duncan gradually began to relax. Some of your relatives who were initially surprised, soon recognized the genuine connection between you and Duncan. They saw the love radiating from both of you, and their warm smiles and acceptance eased any lingering tension.

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