Mini me - Platonic!Noah x reader

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Requested by: Idkmanjustamhere67
Setting: TDWT - The Paris episode 

Noah was your best friend on this show, and you've been close platonically since the very first season. You've both been by each other's sides, in the thick of the ridiculous challenges and the annoying contestants, through it all. You both had a lot in common, and Noah often referred to you as 'Mini me,' despite both being the same age. 

You, Noah and Owen were hanging out, and Noah began criticizing Owen's relationship with Izzy. Izzy has been out of control lately, and you couldn't help but make humor out of the situation. 

"Izzy is a Brazilian sized nut job." Noah said, bluntly. 

You nodded in agreement, a small smirk playing on your lips, "With the size of Russia and China combined." You and Noah exchanged a laugh, as Owen blushed slightly in embarrassment. However, Owen knew what you and Noah were saying was true. 

Suddenly, the plane crashed and you and Noah immediately knew it was because of Izzy. Noah held your hand protectively, making sure you were safe. As the plane landed, Chris announced that you all had arrived in Paris. 

Lindsay exclaimed about being excited to buy new clothes for her and Tyler. You and Noah laughed at her audacity. You leaned closer to Noah, "She really only cares about clothes instead of winning the game. It's ridiculous."

"Because she is ridiculous. She can't even remember her own name." Noah chuckled, his hand still in yours. 

You sighed happily, knowing you had a best friend like Noah by your side in the face of stupid contestants. 

As the challenge progressed, you and Noah worked together to outsmart the others. You guys were always one step ahead of the others, and it was a pleasure for you two to work together.

You both glanced at Cody, who was being forced by Heather to be nice to Sierra. You both laughed lightly then told Noah, "Sierra really can't get the hint. It's like she doesn't have a life."

Noah nodded in agreement, smirking at your words. "She needs to invest her time in buying a life for herself."

You sighed as you looked at Sierra, who was now bawling her eyes out. "She's just like a waterfall, crying her eyes out." 

"Pathetic." Noah said, bluntly. You and Noah continued to work on the challenge, occasionally making fun of the others together. 

A gorilla began running towards you and Noah quickly grabbed your hand, making sure to protect you, "Let's go, Mini me." You nodded, running as fast as you could. The last thing you wanted to be was gorilla bait. 

When the challenge ended, Chris announced that due to the situation with Team Victory being only two people, Dj and Lindsay had to have a walk off with outfits they designed themselves. You and Noah exchanged glances and laughed. 

"Finally, Lindsay's brain would be put to use. Poor Dj." You chuckled, smiling mischievously. 

"He has no chance in hell of winning." Noah agreed with a smile. He loved how he could make fun of people with you and that it didn't bother you. 

You and Noah arrived near the stage, sitting together, waiting for Lindsay and Dj, you both made playful debates on how awful Dj's outfit was going to be. You remarked that Dj would probably make Gwen look preppy while Noah predicted that Dj would forget to make Gwen wear pants. 

You both watched intently, as Gwen came out with a scowl on her face, wearing Dj's shirt. You and Noah couldn't help but laugh, causing Gwen to fling Dj's shirt at Chris in anger. 

"Holy shit." You whispered, still chuckling. 

However, as Tyler came out, you and Noah burst into even more laughter. It seems that Lindsay's brains weren't put to use on the one thing she was good at. You glanced at Lindsay, who was waiting in anticipation. She was sitting near you and Noah, but not enough to hear what you were saying. 

"Looks like Lindsay is too mindless about her own potential." Noah remarked, glancing up at Tyler. "Tyler looks like a rejected elf."

"Hershey's kisses called. They want their style back." You commented, gazing at Tyler's pointy hairstyle. What was Lindsay thinking? 

Noah chuckled, slightly caught off guard. "That was good."

"No it wasn't." You said, leaning against his shoulder, knowing he wouldn't mind. 

When you and Noah finally made it back to the airplane after the long day, you both heaved a sigh of relief, knowing you had survived another day.

Noah tiredly rested his legs on the bench, giving you a small smile as he did. "Thank you for making things more bearable, Y/N." You gave Noah a grateful smile in return as you sat next to him.

"No problem. We got each other, remember?"

"Of course, mini me. Always." Noah promised, closing his eyes as he fell asleep. 

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