Let her go - Duncan x reader ANGST

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Setting: Adulthood, after Total Drama All Stars

Note: There will be some fast forward scenes dealing with flashbacks.

A bit of a trigger warning.



You heaved above the toilet, spilling out what was left of last night. You couldn't remember what happened, but you knew you had lost control. You felt sick and didn't know if you could go to work today.

You continued to groan in pain, after you were finished, then made sure to clean yourself up as much as possible. You looked in the mirror, cringing at your swollen eyes and the bruise above one of them. You leaned forward, trying to remember the events of last night. You slowly touched the bruise, before flinching away in pain.

"I'll take care of you, I promise."

"Why? You don't care about me."

Your head began to hurt even more, so you decided to just call in sick. In truth, you hated your boss so much, along with your job, and you planned to quit one day. You never understood why being a nurse was a good idea, but you tried saving up as much as possible to go back to college and change your career. You called in sick, and as you predicted, your boss was an asshole about it.

"I do care. I never stopped. It was you who wanted me to stop trying."


You did not understand why you were hearing random dialogue, and you just wanted it to stop. It was making your headache much worse. You decided to make breakfast then call your best friend, Natalie, to ask what happened last night, since she was with you at the club last night.

After you sat down to eat, you dialed Nat's number.

"Hey Y/N!" Natalie answered.

"Natalie!" You chuckled. "I'm sorry for calling you this early since you're probably getting ready for work, but.. Do you know what happened to me last night?"

"Man, Y/N. I'm sorry, but I really don't. I was drunk and passed out too, but when I woke up, I was home. I figured you brought me here or you called my boyfriend. I would ask him if he knows anything, but he's at work."

"But I didn't." You told her, feeling more confused. "Before you had gotten drunk, did you notice anyone strange there that might've talked to me? I also have this bruise-"


"I have this bruise above my eye." You explained. "It's hideous and I'm trying to put the pieces together from last night."

"I'm so sorry." She said, disappointed. "I didn't see anyone there. I will try to remember though, because I'm recovering from my hangover too."

"Thanks Nat."

"No problem."

You hung up, sighing in defeat. Last night was a mystery that stressed you out even more. You decided to take a nap to sleep it off. You figured you would probably remember after a good sleep, since you didn't sleep well. Plus, your head still hurts. You lay on the couch, letting exhaustion take over.

"Duncan, you idiot!" You laughed, as he kept making fun of your boss.

"What? The guy is a total square." He laughed, bringing you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head. "And he slave drives you there. Can't you find a new job?"

"I wish it was that easy." You sighed. Duncan frowned at your upset expression, then hugged you more.

Duncan knew you hated your job as a nurse at that clinic, but he always supported your dreams of helping other people. The two of you were total opposites but always made it work. You have been a thing since your time together on Total Drama All Stars, when he protected you from Mal.

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