Because we found each other - Eva x reader

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Requested by: Rockcandysweetness
Setting: High school


"Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything, fuck you all!" Eva screamed, shoving past everyone in the halls of Bodwell High on her way to the principal's office.

Everyone backed away in fear, and tried to stay out of her way. This was typical for Eva everyday. She struggled a lot with her anger, and although she tried her best to work on it, it was difficult because everything just pissed her off.

Deep down, Eva felt alone but wouldn't admit it, not even to herself. Her problems seemed to get worse everyday; she was hated by everyone due to her anger problems, she was constantly tormented by her peers who tried to make her angry for fun, she experienced betrayal from her close friends, who were the few people she actually trusted, and her parents always compared her to her cousins who were apparently good at everything. It was getting too much to the point where her anger flashed out at the smallest things. 

Eva always believed she had to keep this tough facade in order to be strong through her struggles. She took anger management, but it only pissed her off even more. She seemed to be missing something, something to make her feel loved enough to not feel like she has to hold it together all the time.

This morning, Eva was sent to the principal's office because she broke a classroom door after one of her classmates called took her phone and played her music to the class to embarrass her, and she ended up beating him up.

"Your anger has been out of control, Eva. We need to find a way to approach this." The principal scolded her. 

Eva sighed, sinking down further into her seat. "I'm sorry." 

"I called your parents, and the school counselor recommends this support group for those dealing with problems. I feel this would be a good solution for you."

"I bet it would be fucking stupid." Eva rolled her eyes, glaring at the principal. 

"Well, you don't have a choice. It's either this or you get sent to Juvie." 

The following Monday, when Eva arrived at the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, she believed it would be hell. The last thing she wanted was to be around people who would most likely judge her. She glared at the agency, then stormed inside, where she met a social worker.

The social worker had Eva introduce herself, then Eva took her seat among the group. One by one, everyone began sharing their progress with coping through their struggles.

A girl named Y/N L/N, who was recently healing from emotional trauma, was usually the one to lead the group setting. She was one of the agency's clients, and she had been here for a year already. She had a bright smile, despite the struggles she faced, which caught Eva off guard. The two girls recognized each other from school. Eva had never spoken to Y/N before today, and wondered what Y/N thought of her. 

"Are you ready to share, Eva?" You smiled, causing everyone to look at her.

Eva blushed a little, feeling irritated that she hadn't been paying attention. "Share what?"

The whole group started to giggle, and you grinned, amused at her reaction.

"What you do to cope through your struggles." You chuckled. "And if you have trouble with this, we're here to help you."

Eva sighed, clearly embarrassed. "I guess I listen to music."

"What kind of music?" You asked, intrigued.

"None of your damn business!" Eva snapped, glaring at you.

The group fell silent, and you gazed at Eva in sympathy, unsure of how to respond.

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