Winter wonderland - Jacques x gn!reader FLUFF

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Requested by: Jacques_wife_xoxo
Setting: A snowy landscape

Y/N and Jacques were making a snowman, as the snowflakes fell over them like confetti. Jacques kept getting distracted by the beauty of the snowflakes, commenting on each texture and pattern. Because Jacques is an ice dancer, he finds the little things about cold weather fascinating.

"Jacques, focus!" Y/N laughed, as they continued shaping the snowman. They always find it amusing how easily distracted Jacques tends to get.

Jacques held a snowflake in his hand as it melted, exclaiming, "I can't help it, these are so pretty!"

Y/N got up from the snow and reached out their hand to admire the intricate, beautiful pattern. "I must say, they are quite remarkable."

Jacques pulled you into a passionate kiss, causing their hearts to melt and your knees to weaken. Y/N felt a sense of longing and desire for him, and they wanted him to kiss them again and again.

"You're blushing." Jacques pointed out, amused.

Y/N chuckled, taking his hand in yours, "I guess I am."

Y/N and Jacques continued building their snowman. but it turned out to be far from perfect. It was a bit lobsided, but it didn't matter. They were having fun.

"I think we're almost done," Y/N said, as they brushed the snow off of their hands.

"Yeah, let's give him a nose." Jacques chuckled, taking a small pebble and putting it on the snowman's face, giving him a nose.

Suddenly, a pile of snow fell on top of Y/N and Jacques, causing the couple to get startled and laugh. 

"It's freezing!" Y/N laughed, causing Jacques to give them a warm smile.

"Here, I have a solution." Jacques said, moving closer to them and embracing them tightly. Y/N immediately felt warm by Jacques' closeness and let out a sigh of relief.

As Y/N snuggled closer to Jacques, they felt the comforting warmth radiating from his body. Jacques held Y/N tightly, his strong embrace providing a shield against the coldness that surrounded them.

"You're right, it's freezing out here," Jacques whispered, his voice filled with affection. "But as long as we're together, we'll keep each other warm."

Y/N smiled up at Jacques, their eyes sparkling with love and gratitude. "I'm so lucky to have you,"

Jacques leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss against Y/N's forehead. "And I'm lucky to have you too, mon cher. You make every moment brighter, even in the coldest of times."

They stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, as the snowflakes continued to fall gently around them, creating a serene atmosphere.

As they stood there, Y/N's mind began to wander, filled with thoughts of their shared adventures and the future that lay ahead. They had overcome so many challenges together, supporting each other through thick and thin.

"I can't wait for our next adventure," Y/N whispered, breaking the silence.

Jacques smiled, his eyes shining with excitement. "Neither can I, mon amour. We've seen so much already, but there's a whole world out there waiting for us to explore."

Y/N and Jacques walked away from the snowman they had created, leaving it behind as a testament to their joyful moment.

"Rudolph!" Y/N exclaimed as they see a deer in the distance.

Jacques turned his attention to the deer standing among the trees, its antlers crowned with a dusting of snow. The majestic creature turned its head, its eyes meeting Y/N's gaze, as if it acknowledged the playful comparison.

Jacques chuckled, "Ah, Rudolph, you've made an appearance just in time for the holiday season."

The deer stood there for a moment longer before gracefully walking away into the wintry landscape.

Y/N and Jacques exchanged a smile, then continued their walk, their steps leaving soft imprints in the snow-covered ground. 

As they ventured deeper into the woods, they stumbled upon a clearing with a frozen pond. The ice sparkled like a mirror, reflecting the beauty of the surrounding trees and the pale winter sky. Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Jacques, let's go ice skating!" They exclaimed, gesturing towards the pond. 

Jacques cast a glance at the frozen pond and then back at Y/N, with a mischievous grin. "Are you sure, mon amour? It could be quite slippery."

Y/N grinned, unaffected by the challenge. "That's part of the fun! Besides, I have you to hold onto."

Jacques couldn't resist Y/N's infectious enthusiasm, so he took their hand and led them onto the glistening ice. 

As Y/N and Jacques glided across the frozen surface, their laughter filled the air, along with the sound of some of the ice cracking. They twirled and spun, dancing with joy and love. 

"Woah!" Y/N exclaimed, almost slipping on ice. However, Jacques was quick to catch them. 

"Told you so." Jacques winked, causing Y/N to playfully swat him. 

Soon, the sun began to set, Y/N and Jacques finally took a break, sitting at the edge of the pond. Y/N leaned against Jacques, their heads resting gently against each other. Y/N whispered, "Thank you for being my partner, Jacques. Life with you is a winter wonderland."

Jacques pulled Y/N into a tight hug. "And thank you, Y/N, for bringing so much light and joy into my life."

Jacques and Y/N headed to their shared home, and sighed in relief as the fireplace provided warmth. The night only grew colder, and the snow began to fall heavier, so it was a relief when they finally got to their home.

Y/N quickly prepared two mugs of hot chocolate as Jacques settled onto the couch with a giant fluffy blanket draped over him, as he waited to cuddle Y/N. Afterward, Y/N joined Jacques on the couch, leaning against his shoulder. Jacques wrapped his arm around them, pulling them closer. They sighed, feeling content and relaxed as the soft crackling of the fire created a soothing atmosphere. 

"Looks like we're staying in tomorrow." Y/N said, with a small smile. 

Jacques nodded in agreement, "Indeed, mon amour. But remember,  this home is a sanctuary where we can find solace and peace."

Y/N nodded and smiled, then buried their face into Jacques chest, as Jacques continued to hold them until Y/N drifted off to sleep. Jacques smiled at Y/N's sleeping form and set aside the mugs, careful not to spill it on them. 

He planted a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead and whispered, "Good night, mon amour. I will see you in the morning."

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