Prom? - Sky x shy!male reader

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Requested by: Alex_TDfan
AU: High school

"Thanks to your encouragement, I signed up to sing one of my songs at prom." You told Sky, as you were walking her to class.

Sky's face lit up, giving you a massive smile, "That's great! I'm so proud of you, Y/N. You have come such a long way from freshman year!"

You and Sky met during your freshman year of high school in P.E class. You've always been very shy, and that made it hard for you to participate properly in P.E and speak to people. Sky was very athletic, so she took you under her wing to help you have more confidence in yourself, not just when it comes to sports. Since then, you both have been best friends for three years now.

"I'm doing my best." You replied, giving her a small smile. "I want to put myself out there more. I really appreciate that you always encourage me and help me when I need it."

Sky glanced at the prom flyer hung in the hallway and said, "I'm excited to watch you perform. I would like to go to prom mainly because of that."

You felt your face heat up, glancing around the hallway. "You're too sweet."

Sky grabbed your hand and smiled with a light blush on her face. "Of course!"


You met your friends Shawn, Jasmine, and Sammy during lunch at the cafeteria and sat across from them at the table. Your friends knew about your feelings for Sky for a while already, and they always gave you encouragement when it comes to her.

Since prom was coming up, you planned to ask Sky and tell her exactly how you feel about her after you performed the song you wrote for her that night. The problem is, you didn't know how to gather that courage to ask her to prom in the first place, let alone tell her how you feel.

"Congrats on signing up to perform at prom!" Shawn told you, smiling. "You're very talented. More people need to hear you."

You nodded, looking down. "Thank you. I just.. I know it's just prom, but I find this song to be special. It's about how I really feel about Sky."

"Aren't most of your songs about Sky?" Shawn asked, chuckling a bit. "You need to tell her sooner."

"Yeah." You chuckled, taking out a sandwich. "I would like to confess to her, but I don't know how. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

Sammy gave you an encouraging smile, "You don't know that yet, Y/N."

Jasmine nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Besides, it's better to get an answer than to not know at all."

"Thanks guys."

Your heart dropped then fluttered a little when Sky walked into the cafeteria. However, you frowned when you noticed Dave walking right behind her.

Dave looked like he was trying to talk to Sky, but Sky looked uncomfortable. You decided to approach them, gathering the courage to stand up for your friend when she's in trouble.

"Hey guys? What's going on?" You asked, walking up to Sky and Dave.

"Nothing-" Sky started.

"I'm trying to ask her to go to prom with me." Dave told you. He then turned to Sky, "Come on Sky! You know we like each other."

Sky let out a huge belch, and looked down, embarrassed. "Dave, no. I don't see you that way."

"Then why did you belch?"

Sky glanced around uncomfortably. "Because you're making me uncomfortable. I'm sorry, Dave."

"Listen, Sky-"

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