Old flames - Cody x reader x duncan

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Somebody requested this before my hiatus but I can't remember who and I don't have the screenshot anymore 😅

Geoff and Bridgette were hosting a Total Drama reunion party at a mansion they rented, after they became famous talk show hosts. It has been four years since you've been on Total Drama. You were only on World tour and All Stars, but never won any of the seasons. However, you appreciated your experiences there and made tons of new friends with the majority of the contestants.

After Total Drama, you did things with music, and were known for being a small artist. You also had a job as a (your dream career). You weren't really a famous celebrity like how some of the contestants ended up being, but you were happy as you were.

You stepped out of your car, admiring the mansion Geoff and Bridgette rented. There was a water fountain in the front, so you took out a penny from your first throwing a coin in, then walked towards the building. You noticed it was almost sun down, so you quickly walked to the entrance.

"Y/N!" Bridgette exclaimed, bringing you into a hug. "I missed you! I'm glad you could make it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" You chuckled, walking inside. "I missed you too, and everyone. It's been awhile since we've all been together as a cast."

"Right?" Bridgette smiled, walking you towards a table. "That's why Geoff and I wanted to host this get together! At least so we can all catch up with each other. Also, there's lots of food and drinks! Don't be afraid to help yourself."

"Thank you!" You smiled, sitting down. You looked around the ballroom, seeing your old cast mates. You also recognized some people from Revenge of the island and Pahkitew.

You decided to line up to get some food, and set your purse onto your chair. As you were gathering food, you heard someone say your name from behind you. You turned, seeing it was Cody.

"Hi Cody!" You smiled, while moving in line. "It's been years! How are you?"

"I've been okay." He shrugged, then got a plate. "I've been in a few movies after Total Drama, but not big roles. It's been almost normal. How are you? I think the last time we saw each other in person was when you were in one of Total Drama's talk shows hosted by Geoff."

"I think so too." You said, as you finished setting up your plate.

"Do you want to sit together?" He asked, finishing his plate.

"Sure!" You said, walking towards your table. When you and Cody got there, Noah, Izzy, and Eva were there too.

"Hi guys." You greeted, sitting next to Cody. Noah, and Izzy greeted you, while Eva just gave you a slight wave.

You all began catching up, and eating, but you were mostly speaking to Cody. You and Cody had a unique connection because he was there for you during a breakup you went through with Duncan during world tour.

Cody was one of your best friends back in the show, before you guys went your separate ways afterwards. You and Cody kept in touch through Instagram throughout the years, messaging each other every now and then. However, you and Duncan completely lost touch.

Cody slowly grabbed your hand from under the table, squeezing it slightly. You smiled, feeling a weird tingly feeling in your chest, holding his hand back.

"Izzy, you're so weird." You laughed with Cody, seeing her put weird food combinations together.

"What? It's good!" She laughed, slurping a 'Chicken smoothie.'

You shook your head, smiling then stopped when you saw a certain individual from your past.

Duncan walked past your table, then stopped when you caught his gaze. He opened his mouth slightly in surprise, then continued walking by you.

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