The news reporter - Sierra x reader

838 18 5

Requested by: Blondozilda
Setting: Adulthood, After Total Drama

Hi guys! :) I'm not officially back yet, but I wanted to post one chapter so I can try to be comfortable here again. I want to see the outcome before returning permanently. Thank you for your patience. 


Cody this, Cody that. Everything was about Cody. At least that's what Sierra thought until her days in Total Drama were over.

Cody had already moved on and married Noah. They were currently living together and planned to adopt a child together. Sierra heard the news last month, but she was still in denial and had broken hope. She wouldn't face the truth; the boy she loved didn't return her feelings.

Sierra still ran her Total Drama blog and sometimes worked with the news. It seemed that no matter what she did, she couldn't get over Cody.

Suddenly, Sierra received a message on her blog from a young lady who was a news reporter named Y/N L/N.


I saw your blog and I love how passionate you are. You're very cute and creative. Would you like to meet up for coffee tomorrow morning so we can discuss further?

- Y/N"

Sierra felt her face flush, then replied, "Sure. See you there."


The next day, Sierra met up with you at a local cafe, and she felt a mix of emotions. Usually, she didn't have such friends and spent all her time stalking people on the internet, so this was new to her.

Sierra sat nervously at the corner table of the cozy cafe, her hands fidgeting with her phone. She glanced around, anxiously waiting for you to arrive. It had been a while since she had met someone new, especially someone who showed interest in her beyond her Total Drama obsession.

As the door chimed, Sierra's heart skipped a beat. You walked in with a warm smile on her face that instantly eased Sierra's nerves. You had an air of confidence about you, with a notepad in hand and a professional demeanor that Sierra found fascinating.

"Hi, Sierra! It's great to finally meet you in person," You greeted, sliding into the seat across from her. Sierra couldn't help but notice how your eyes sparkled with genuine interest.

"Hi, Y/N," Sierra replied, her voice slightly shaky. "Thanks for reaching out to me. I really appreciate it."

Your smile grew wider. "No problem at all. I've been a fan of your blog for a while now, and I thought it would be great to meet and chat about your work. Plus, I have to admit, you're even more adorable in person."

Sierra blushed, feeling her cheeks grow warm. She was used to compliments about her online presence, but hearing it from you made her heart flutter in a different way.

"Thank you," Sierra mumbled, gazing up at you before she looked down at her hands. "I've never really had someone show interest in me like this before. Most of my time is spent... well, obsessing over Total Drama."

You nodded in understanding, giving her a small smile. "Total Drama is amazing, no doubt about that. But there's so much more to you than just that, Sierra. I've read your blog posts, and your creativity and passion shine through. I wanted to get to know the person behind the blog, the real you."

Sierra's heart skipped a beat at your words. She had spent so long fixated on Cody, longing for his affection, that she had forgotten about her own worth and the unique person she was.

"You really think that?" Sierra asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and vulnerability.

You reached across the table, gently placing a reassuring hand over Sierra's. "Sierra, I wouldn't have reached out if I didn't believe it. You're talented, kind-hearted, and yes, incredibly cute. Let's put Total Drama aside for a moment and focus on getting to know each other. What do you say?"

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