Spend time with me - Shawn x reader

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Requested by: CootWaffle
Requests remaining: 9. Requests are closed until I get the rest of them done. There is no wait list while requests are closed, so it can be fair to those who made requests and who I said yes to while they were open. This is so no one waits too long (and I just came back from a hiatus, so I'm trying to get to those who asked me before I took a huge break).

Today was a fun day to go to the beach. Summer was arriving, and the weather meant it was crucial for you to spend time in the water to cool off. You and your boyfriend of two years, Shawn, decided to go swimming today after a long time.

You and Shawn met during one of Total Drama's reunion parties. You were in Total Drama during season one, while he joined during season five. You both realized you had great chemistry when you were willing to accept him for who he is, despite his obsession of zombies. You were probably the only girl he dated that loved him through all his quirks and flaws.

However, sometimes this isn't easy.

Sometimes it seems like Shawn dedicated way too much of his time on being a zombie hunter. There were days where you would humor him and join in, but it still gets out of hand. Shawn gets really anxious and overly excited about zombies that this can interfere during dates, anniversaries and parties you guys are invited to.

After a lot of chaos involving zombie hunting, Shawn decided to take you out on a real date at the beach.

"Two shaved ice please!" Shawn asked the cashier working at the stand. "I'd like strawberry. Y/N, what would you like?"

"I'd like (Insert flavor here)." You smiled.

The cashier wrote your orders on a paper, then handed it to the one making the shaved ice. After two minutes, your shaved ice was finished.

"Thank you!" You told them, walking away with Shawn.

"Isn't today relaxing?" You asked, feeling the breeze hit your face. You felt even more relaxed at the sound of the waves crashing against each other gently onto the shore. You took a bite out of your shaved ice, feeling satisfied of the cool treat during a hot day.

"Yeah!" Shawn replied. He looked at the waves, then suddenly a glob of seaweed in the water popped out of nowhere. "Uhm.. Y/N.."

"What's wrong?"

"The seaweed. It just popped up out of nowhere." He said, pointing towards the glob. You looked at the water, noticing the currents.

"It's probably just the currents." You shrugged, holding his hand. "Relax. You're okay."

You and Shawn continued walking along the beach to find a spot to park your things at before swimming in the water. Shawn looked down at the sand, and saw weird footprints. "Y/N, look at these footprints."

You sighed, looking down at the footprints. "Shawn, it's probably just some kid's footprints. These look dragged out like someone was wearing flippers."

"No, what if it's a zombie!" He exclaimed.

"Why would a zombie be at the beach?" You asked. "I understand the woods, but we aren't in the woods. Let's just have fun."

"No time for that!" Shawn panicked, setting his shaved ice down. "I'm sorry, honey but I need to investigate this." Before you could say anything, Shawn ran off, leaving you there on the sand.

"As always, he does this." You sighed, eating your shaved ice. "Hopefully he'll come back in five minutes before realizing there's no zombie."

Twenty minutes have passed and Shawn was still occupied. You put down your shaved ice, and noticed his own melted already. You tossed both of it into the trash, then went to find Shawn in the water.

"Shawn?" You called, "Shawn, you need to stop this, at least for today. I thought today was you taking me on a real date."

Shawn stood up from the water, "I know, Y/N and I love you for being patient. But this is important."

What about me? You thought. You started getting more and more upset the more you tried prying Shawn away and the more he just kept shrugging you off. You decided to walk to his car and just wait, like you always did during your dates.

After two hours, you were still waiting in Shawn's car. You were visibly upset and you just wanted to go home.

"Y/N?" You looked up and saw Shawn looking at you with concern. "Are you okay?"

You shook your head, "I don't know.. Should I be?"

Shawn sighed, walking into the car, sitting down. "No.. I messed up."

You slowly nodded, "I have to admit I'm very disappointed. I understand you love zombie hunting, but I wish you understood there's a time and place for that. You never spend time with me anymore because of this."

"I'm sorry." Shawn told you, leaning in to peck your cheek. "I really am. And I'm going to make it up to you."


Shawn opened the door and walked out of his car, then went to open your door. "Let's go watch the sunset. Then maybe we can go home and change then get dinner afterwards?"

"Sure." You smiled, walking out of the car. You and Shawn walked back to the beach to watch the sunset hand in hand.

The breeze started getting stronger causing you to become cold. Shawn noticed this, then hugged you from behind, resting his chin onto your head. You blushed, as he chuckled then kissed your forehead. He tucked your hair behind your ear, to prevent the breeze from messing it further.

"I love you, Y/N." Shawn whispered into your ear. "You mean more to me than zombies."

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