Breaking the curse - Dj x reader

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Requested by: Pika-chibihiro
Setting: After TDWT when Dj gets eliminated

Since Dj was cursed during his visit to Egypt, his spirit was broken. He was a gentle giant known for his love for animals, but because of that stupid curse, all the animals feared him wherever he went. Dj didn't know what to do, but he wanted to try and be a normal person again.

One day, Dj was walking along the beach, where he usually went to clear his mind. He was deep in thought when he saw you in the distance surrounded by animals. He sighed and felt the tears well up in his eyes. He missed when he could interact with animals like that.

You looked up from the bunny you were petting and noticed Dj crying. You gently set down the bunny then approached him, with a warm smile on your face. "Hi! What's your name?" 

Dj wiped his tears away and smiled through his tears. "It's... It's Dj. Hi."

"Hi, Dj. My name is Y/N. It pains me to see you so sad. Let me help you." You said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

Dj sniffled then went with you to sit by the log you were sitting on moments ago, he noticed a bunny and reached out to pet it. However, the bunny quickly started choking on the dust from Dj's movement, causing Dj to cry even harder. 

You frowned in concern, and rubbed his back, whispering words of reassurance. You didn't understand what was going on, but you knew you wanted to help him. 

After several more minutes, Dj managed to calm down and he looked up at you with a grateful smile. He sighed and said, "Thank you, Y/N."

"No problem. Do you want to share what's going on?" You asked, giving him an encouraging smile. 

Dj took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I was in this reality show called Total Drama, and we went on a trip to Egypt. I ended up getting cursed shortly before I got eliminated and every time I come across animals, I unintentionally hurt them! Like that cute bunny you just witnessed now.. Y/N, I don't know what to do."

You smiled warmly, your eyes filled with understanding, "You're not alone Dj. We'll figure out a way to break this curse together."

"Seriously?" Dj asked in disbelief, not understanding why you would help him. He felt he didn't deserve it. 

"Of course." You promised, holding out your hand. "Come on. I know there's an ancient book section dealing with curses at the local library." 

Dj nodded his head slowly, then took your hand, following you as you led the way. His heart filled with hope, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of happiness.

When you and Dj arrived at the library, you both went to the dark magic section and found information about curses from Egypt. You discovered that, in order to break the curse, it would require a magic ritual, performed by someone with an extraordinary connection to animals. 

"Dj.. I think this is fate." You said, giving him a knowing smile. You have always possessed a deep connection to animals and knew how to understand their needs, like it was a secret language.

Dj smiled to himself, knowing he walked along that beach in the right place at the right time. He couldn't contain his excitement anymore as he shouted out a, "Yes!"

Everyone in that section shushed Dj, causing him to blush deeply. You giggled, then took the book, and led Dj to the front where you both would check it out of the library. 


With your guidance and the support of the animal kingdom, Dj underwent the ritual. As the mystical chants echoed through the air, a brilliant light enveloped him, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. When the light faded, Dj looked down at his hands in awe.

The curse had been broken.

Dj enveloped you into a warm hug and you blushed, feeling accomplished that you could do this for him. He cried tears of joy, knowing you changed his life. 

The animals, once frightened by Dj's presence, now approached him cautiously, sensing the change. With a newfound sense of wonder and gratitude, Dj reached out to them, his touch no longer causing harm. They responded with affection, nuzzling against him and showering him with their unconditional love and trust.

You watched the scene with a huge smile on your face, feeling your heart swell with a joy you couldn't describe. 

Dj looked up from the deer he was petting then closed the distance between you two. He held you again and then asked, "Can I still spend time with you? You've helped me so much and I'd love to get to know you better."

You nodded eagerly, "Of course!" 

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you and Dj's bond grew stronger. You both spent countless hours exploring the woods together, discovering new animals and learning from each other's connections. Dj always looked to you for advice and insight, and you always looked to him for guidance.

"Y/N." Dj said, looking at you as he was petting a squirrel. 


"How about one day when we're old enough..We start an animal sanctuary together? Since we both love and care for animals?" he asked, nervously. 

Your face brightened up with a big smile as you heard the idea. "Dj, I would love that!"

The future of the animal sanctuary became a shared goal, and with that shared goal, your friendship with Dj ended up blossoming into something more.

Four years have passed since that day and you and Dj were standing in front of the newly built animal sanctuary. Dj turned towards you, pecking your cheek and bringing you into a hug. 

"Y/N, thank you for everything. You taught me that love can overcome anything and that hope is always possible." 

Your heart swelled with affection and warmth, as you replied, "And you taught me what it's like to be resilient through any darkness that comes across you. You inspire me every day, Dj."

Dj's soft lips pressed against yours in a gentle but lingering kiss. You closed your eyes and let the butterflies in your heart free.

In that moment, you knew exactly where you belonged, which was right here with Dj.

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