Movie night - Noah x shy!reader

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Setting: Owen and Izzy's place

You get to hang out with Team escope + Owen :) 


"Hey guys!" Izzy laughed, dragging you and Noah into her house. "It's good to see you!"

Noah smiled softly then put his arm around you, "Yeah. This is Y/N, my girlfriend."

Noah invited you to meet his friends he made on Total Drama for the first time during their movie night at Owen and Izzy's place. He's been wanting you to meet them for months, but he decided to wait until you were comfortable since you were shy around new people. Noah made sure to ask if you were comfortable, and told you to let him know if you felt uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah!" Izzy grinned, pulling you into a hug. "Noah has told us all about you!"

"Good things, I hope." You smiled, and Izzy nodded.

"Of course!" Izzy chuckled, guiding you and Noah to the living room.

There on the couch sat Owen and Eva. Owen was munching on a bunch of snacks, while Eva just looked irritated.

"I'm trying to get this stupid thing to start." Eva mumbled, trying to set up the TV. She started to get more frustrated, then threw the remote down. "This is so stupid!"

Noah glanced at you, noticing you were tense from Eva's temper, so he quickly grabbed the remote. "Here, let me help."

Eva nodded, smiling apologetically. "Thanks."

While Noah set up the TV, Owen began chatting with Izzy and Eva. You awkwardly sat there, waiting for Noah until Owen spoke up. 

"You're really quiet." Owen smiled, munching on his chips. "Are you okay?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I'm just a bit shy." 

Owen nodded in understanding and smiled, "It's okay to be shy. Just remember that we're not that scary. Maybe Eva is, but she's nice deep down as long as she likes you."

"Hey!" Eva exclaimed, trying to hold in a chuckle. 

You laughed a little, and Noah turned around, smiling a bit. He was glad that Owen was kind and easy to talk to. Noah knew Izzy and Eva would take a bit for you to get used to since they had explosive energy. 

Noah finished setting up the movie, then sat on the floor with you and Eva, while Izzy sat with Owen. 

The first thirty minutes of the movie sucked. There was little to no plot, and you could tell everyone started to get bored. 

Eva stood up in anger, kicking a pillow, "I told you guys this movie would be stupid!" 

Izzy started laughing and making fun of Eva to provoke her, while Owen tried getting Izzy to stop. You began to feel nervous since the scene started to get chaotic, and Noah noticed this, quickly pulling you into a hug. 

"How about we go eat somewhere instead and find another movie?" Noah suggested to the group. 

Everyone stopped fighting, then nodded in agreement. Eva sighed then took out her keys, "Alright, let's go."

The five of you headed towards Eva's car. Izzy sat in the front with Eva, while Owen was in the back with you and Noah. Owen took up most of the space, leaving no space left for you. 

You and Noah blushed awkwardly, and Izzy glanced at the back, smirking. She let out a laugh, realizing the situation. 

"Noah, let her sit on your lap!" Izzy cackled, causing the both of you to blush.

Eva rolled her eyes, chuckling a little while Owen kept nudging Noah to do it. Noah glanced at how uncomfortable you looked squished to the edge of the seat, even though you tried to hide it. Noah blushed deeply, slowly pulling you onto his lap. 

"Feeling better, Y/N?" Izzy smirked, chuckling a little. 

You blushed, feeling Noah shift awkwardly in his seat.

"You okay?" He whispered in your ear. 


Izzy kept smirking and teasing you and Noah, causing you to be completely more flustered than usual. Izzy reached towards the back, pinching your cheeks, and you groaned, feeling so embarrassed. Noah laughed a little at your embarrassment. 

"What the fuck!" Eva yelled at the driver that just cut her off. "This fucking moron won't stay in his lane!" 

Eva tried to speed up, causing the car to shake a little. You tensed up, causing Noah to hold your waist tighter towards him. He felt anxious, feeling Eva speed the car even more. Owen screamed, while Izzy just laughed, telling Eva to speed the car faster. 

"Iron woman, calm down!" Noah yelled at Eva. "You're going to crash the car and Y/N is already scared."

Eva slowed down, then glanced quickly towards the back. "I'm really sorry."

"Why? That was awesome!" Izzy laughed. "Next time, let me do it."

"How about let's not do that again?" Noah told them. 

"Buzzkill." Izzy laughed. 

Finally, you all arrived at the restaurant. Eva parked the car towards the front, and you all got out of the car. Noah held your hand, as you all walked into the restaurant. 

Owen ordered a shit ton of food, causing you to look at him in shock. Noah chuckled at your expression. "He just likes food."

You nodded, smiling. You ordered (Favorite food you get at a restaurant). 

Noah held your hand from under the table, while he conversed with his friends. You stayed silent, feeling a little awkward around them. Owen noticed you were quiet again, so he began telling you jokes about Noah to make you laugh. 

"Wow, Y/N." Noah chuckled, smiling at your expression. 

"I can't help it. That was funny." You laughed, a little embarrassed at how much you were laughing. You felt yourself start to laugh even more to the point where you could barely hold it in. This made Izzy, Owen and Noah start to laugh too. Eva just ate her food, smiling a little at your laugh. 

"Your laugh is so cute." Izzy chuckled, smiling at you. Noah nodded in agreement, which made you blush. 

For the next hour, you began to feel more comfortable around Noah's friends, and you kept making each other laugh by telling crazy stories. Slowly, you opened up a little more to them. Noah noticed this, and was proud of you. He knew he could invite you to hang out with his friends more often. 

Sadly, you all eventually had to leave. Eva took you all back to Owen and Izzy's place, so you and Noah could get your car. You got into you and Noah's car, and Noah drove away. 

"That was so much fun!" You told Noah, smiling. "Your friends are hilarious. Chaotic, but hilarious."

Noah smiled, "They like you. I'm glad because I plan to invite you to more of our movie nights."

"Really? But what if those nights don't go as well as this one? What if I embarrass myself and-"

Noah quickly kissed your cheek, then looked back towards the road. "You'll do fine, Y/N. I'm here, remember?"

You nodded, smiling at the events that happened tonight. You knew that with Noah's help and you stepping out of your comfort zone, there would be more nights where you could just laugh and make new friends. 

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