The real prize - Alejandro x shy!reader

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Requested by: Wolfchibi27
Setting: TDWT multiple episodes + the finale. Some parts are going to fast forward to different episodes with moments between Y/N and Alejandro with them growing closer.

Growing up, you had always been known as the shy girl. However, you wanted to work on your confidence to open up more. Your shyness has held you back many times and you wanted to take a chance to open up more.

When you signed up to join Total Drama, you didn't expect to actually follow through with it, but you were proud of yourself for facing your fears. You were a new contestant and had watched seasons one and two, so you knew what to expect with some of the contestants but were slightly intimidated by a lot of them. This made it hard for you to form alliances and make friends, and you felt you weren't doing enough to open up. It was just too difficult.

Today, the drama plane ended up landing in the Yukon. It was freezing, and the coats Chris ordered for the contestants did not come in yet, forcing everyone to huddle together.

You watched as a majority of people began to huddle in groups.

Noah tried to hug Bridgette, but she pushed him away, stating she had a boyfriend. Noah ended up getting squished by Owen, and Cody was forced into a hug by Sierra. Some of the girls also huddled towards Alejandro, but from his point of view, he noticed you were by yourself, shaking and crossing your arms, trying to keep warm.

You were freezing, but you were too scared to huddle towards the other contestants in fear of their disapproval. Alejandro smiled then excused himself from the girls, much to their disappointment, and walked towards you.

"You seem very shy." Alejandro smiled, teasingly. "Your name is Y/N, right? I noticed you are by yourself. Aren't you cold?"

You nodded, feeling like you were in the spotlight. Alejandro's gaze made you shake more out of feeling self consciousness rather than the cold itself. Those eyes were intense.

Alejandro wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into a hug, and smirked. "Does this help, Y/N?"

You blushed a little, especially with how he said your name, "Thank you."


After that day where Alejandro helped you keep warm in the Yukon, he caught an interest in you. You were aware of Alejandro's antagonistic motives towards the other contestants, but he assured you that you could trust him. You didn't completely believe that until he kept staying by your side through the challenges, and encouraged you as much as possible.

One of the requirements you had trouble with the most this season was singing by yourself. You had to sing by yourself when you all landed in New York and had to sing in "What's not to love?"

"Go ahead, Y/N!" Alejandro smiled at you, putting his arm around you. "Sing it!"

You felt your face heat up, noticing the other contestants eyeing you with curiosity, as you sang the line by yourself when it was your turn, "And a walk around the city!"

Alejandro winked then hugged you, after you sang your line, because he noticed you were slightly embarrassed of your voice.

"Relax." He whispered. "You did great. Now, let's win this!"

You nodded, smiling. "Thank you."

As you and Alejandro were running together to Central Park, he told you about his brother Jose and how Jose always tried to bring his confidence down, and you found yourself relating to Alejandro a little, despite some major differences. You began to feel more comfortable around him.

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