My gift to you - Lindsay x reader

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Requested by: ImM1kan
Setting: After total drama, adult life

"Your birthday is coming up! Aren't you excited?" Lindsay asked you.

You and Lindsay were walking around town together and she couldn't help but eye all the shops, wondering what to get you. Your birthday was next week, and she wanted to make it special since it would be the second birthday you spent together as a couple.

You shook your head, frowning slightly. "Not really."

"Why not?"

You sighed, glancing at some of the shops. "I just haven't been in the mood to celebrate. I've been very stressed out lately."

Lindsay frowned at your response. She knew you did care about celebrating your birthday, and it was usually very special to you. However, since you both graduated high school and when Total Drama ended, you both had to work in the real world.

Lindsay loved her job as a model and was very successful at it, but you absolutely hated your job as a social worker. You always had to deal with dangerous situations, and burnout, and nobody understood how demanding it can be. You wished you could just quit, but it was hard to just get a new job in this economy.

"You still deserve to celebrate your birthday, Y/N." Lindsay told you, putting her arm around you. She gave you an encouraging smile, "You do so much for other people, and you should allow yourself to be treated."

"If only it were that easy." You mumbled.

You and Lindsay walked to your car, and Lindsay was deep in thought of an idea to make your birthday brighter.


"Beth, she's been really sad lately." Lindsay told Beth through the phone. "She doesn't want to celebrate her birthday! Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday? That's like totally sad!"

"Maybe you can make it special." Beth suggested. "Try seeing something she would like that would cheer her up!"

"Hmm." Lindsay said, trying to think of something. She let out a frustrated sigh, "I have no clue!"

"Think harder." Beth chuckled. "You're her girlfriend, so you should know her best!"

"Thanks Beth." Lindsay replied, feeling her head ache. "I'll call you later."

Lindsay glanced at you sleeping on the couch, and smiled. She went back into the bedroom to get you a blanket and put it over you. She kissed your forehead and whispered, "You're going to enjoy your birthday, and I'll make sure of that!"


The next day, Lindsay walked around town to check out the shops she noticed the other day when she went walking with you. She decided to find something you would like the most.

After browsing the area, Lindsay decided that instead of getting you one big gift, she would spoil you constantly the whole week. Lindsay wanted to make sure you wouldn't feel too stressed about work, while it also being special.

Lindsay went inside one of the boutiques and bought you a lot of stylish clothes, jewelry and self care items. She knew you said you didn't need more clothes, but she knew you deserved to be treated for your special day.

Lindsay smiled to herself, feeling excited for your reaction to all the gifts throughout the week.


"Good morning Y/N!" Lindsay exclaimed, waking you up.

You groaned, not wanting to get up from your bed, "What time is it?" You glanced at the time and saw it was almost time to get ready for work.

Lindsay chuckled, and shoved a small box towards you. You frowned in confusion, and opened it to see a white dress, and pink wedges.

"Surprise! This is gift number one." Lindsay told you proudly. "You're going to have a very special week up until your special day!"

You chuckled, then pulled Lindsay into a hug, "Thank you, Lindsay, but you don't have to get me a string of gifts the whole week."

"I so totally do!" Lindsay said, hugging you tighter. "You're worth it!"

You chuckled, getting up from bed. "Well, how about after work, I take you on a date and I wear this dress?"

"Yay!" Lindsay clapped her hands, then kissed your cheek.

You smiled, as she walked out of the bedroom. You felt so lucky to have her.


Lindsay kept on spoiling you constantly like she planned, and giving you random gifts each day. You felt very bad about this because you felt she doesn't have to spoil you at all.

Today, she was taking you to the spa, and then to get your nails done afterwards.

"Lindsay." You said, as you both got into the car.


"You don't have to do all of this for me. You've done so much!" You told her, starting the car.

Lindsay smiled, taking your hand, "I want to, Y/N. You're special to me."

You just smiled and shook your head, unsure how to change your girlfriend's mind.

You and Lindsay enjoyed the spa day, and you ended up getting matching nails. You knew that when it was her birthday week, you were going to treat her to the same or better.

By the time it was your birthday, you came home from work around 5:00pm, and you noticed smoke coming out of the house. You quickly dashed out of the car, unlocking the door to find Lindsay opening the windows, trying to air out the kitchen.

"Lindsay, what the hell happened?" You exclaimed, feeling anxious. "Why didn't you order some takeout? We know you're still learning to cook when you're hungry! Or you could've called me at work."

Lindsay fanned the area with a newspaper, and you turned on the fan, and opened more windows. Lindsay sighed, and opened the oven to reveal what was supposed to be a chocolate cake.

"You did this for me?" You asked, feeling surprised she tried to bake a cake for you.

Lindsay slowly nodded, hoping you won't get mad. "Yeah."

"Did you read the directions to the cake though?"

"There are directions?" Lindsay asked, looking clearly confused.

You chuckled, then brought her into a hug, ignoring the stench of smoke all over her.

You kissed her cheek, then said, "Thank you for being so thoughtful. You didn't have to do anything, really. I loved the gifts you bought me earlier this week, and I used some of them everyday to work. You're so cute for trying to bake my birthday cake for me."

Lindsay giggled then smiled shyly, "I tried!"

"But don't do that again unless you know for sure how to use the oven!" You laughed, "Let's air out this place then go out to eat? It's not good to breathe in smoke, and I don't think the smell of smoke on you would bother anyone since we're in public."

"Sure!" Lindsay cheered, leading you both out of the house. "Happy birthday, Y/N. I love you!"

"I love you too." You giggled, giving her a side hug.

Lindsay was always thoughtful towards you even if she didn't make the best decisions. That's one of the things you loved the most about her.

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