Partners in crime - Duncan x lil sister reader

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Requested by: Brookelyn361

AU: High school, freshman year. 

"Impersonation is wrong. You two could be in detention for the rest of the year! You're lucky I'm nice and.." You didn't pay attention as the Principal continued his rant. 

You and Duncan sat in the Principal's office getting lectured like always. This always happened every week, so the Principal's office and detention were like second homes to you both. Being the little sister of Duncan, it was likely you'd follow his footsteps on being a trouble maker. It was expected. 

Your parents tried getting Duncan to be a better influence on you. Of course, he preferred to be himself, and you liked it that way.

As the Principal continued to lecture you and Duncan, a smirk slipped onto your face, but you hid it quickly. You glanced towards Duncan, who was obviously trying not to laugh. Duncan nudged you lightly, making a funny face, and you stifled a chuckle.

"Excuse me, Ms. Y/N? This isn't a funny matter." Principal Moss glared at you. "This is your first year of high school, and if you continue to misbehave, it will not look good on your record. Duncan, you are Y/N's older brother and you need to be a better influence on her. You are graduating this year. Don't you want to set an example?" 

Duncan sighed in annoyance, slightly leaning back onto the chair. "I know, I get it! Y/N and I will stay out of trouble."

The principal nodded, then wrote on the tardy passes, handing it to you and Duncan. "Very well. The next time you both screw up, you'll be suspended and you won't be able to walk for your graduation, Duncan. Now, go back to class." 

You and Duncan left the office, and started laughing, once you were far. Duncan ruffled your hair, causing you to groan and try to fix it. 

"Very funny." You chuckled, moving your hair from your face. You walked to class, and noticed Duncan going the other direction, where the outside of the school was. 

"Duncan?" You called. "Where are you going?" 

Duncan turned, and smirked a little. "I'm going to paint Lightning's car. Teach him a lesson for thinking he's better than everyone for having so much money."

You frowned. "What about suspension? You won't be able to walk for graduation!" 

Duncan just laughed, and continued to walk towards the door. "Principal Moss says that all the time. Relax, Y/N. Besides, Lightning won't know it's me!" 

You sighed, watching your brother leave the school, and decided to just let him handle it. He was an expert after all and knew the school more than you. You walked into class, with your worries disappearing. 

"Where the fuck is Duncan? I know it's you!" You heard Lightning scream throughout the hallway. 

"Oh no.." You whisper, clutching your bag, standing still in the hallway.

The whole hallway seemed to be quiet, as everyone watched Lightning screaming and punching the lockers. 

"Duncan!" Lightning yelled, storming through the hallway. He glared at Cameron, shoving him to the side. "Move, twerp!"

"I didn't do anything." Cameron mumbled, walking out of Lightning's way. 

You gulped nervously, and tried to leave the hallway, away from Lightning's sight. To your horror, he spotted you trying to leave, and ran up to you, grabbing you by your bag. 

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