Sandcastle adventures - Poly!Duncan x Noah x reader x Cody FLUFF

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Requested by: Imauglyassf-

Setting: The beach 

Note: This is going to be the same reader featured in my last two poly!Duncan x Noah x reader x Cody oneshots, so I won't include the intro explaining how you all met like I usually do since I already mentioned it. This pairing seems to be popular :) 

You traced a bunch of hearts onto the wet sand, feeling relaxed as you heard the waves crash in the distance. You've always loved the beach, and the peace and quiet that it offers. 

Noah and Cody were snorkling in the water, while Duncan was on his beach towel eating chips and watching you guys. 

While you continued drawing hearts on the sand, you got lost in thought, then you felt strong arms wrap around you. You jumped a little then turned, seeing it was Duncan who had a huge grin on his face. 

"What's with the hearts, beautiful?" He chuckled, still holding you tightly. 

"It's just something I do." You explained, smiling at him. "I was a little bored and thought it would be cute."

"You're so cute, Y/N." Duncan chuckled, kissing the top of your head. "You always find the joy in simple things, it's refreshing."

"Thank you, Duncan." You smiled, continuing to trace more hearts, noticing the waves that made some of them fade. Duncan sat next to you, drawing hearts of his own. However, his were more sloppy than yours, but you didn't mind. 

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Cody asked, his voice filled with curiosity. 

You looked up at Cody and Noah, blushing slightly. "Oh, I'm just drawing. Duncan decided to join me."

"That's sweet Y/N! How about we do something together? Like building sandcastles?" Cody suggested, giving you a shy smile. 

"Of course!" You exclaimed, getting up with Duncan. You and Duncan followed Noah and Cody out to the beach to start building a giant sandcastle together. 

"This is gonna be enormous!" Duncan laughed, gathering piles of sand into his bucket. 

"Don't overdo it, Duncan." Cody chuckled, shaping the sand. "I love you and your enthusiam, but you tend to go overboard."

Duncan playfully let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine, princess. I won't overdo it."

In response to the nickname, Cody laughed then flung some sand onto Duncan's chest. Duncan flung sand back at Cody, his laughter intertwining with Noah's. 

You chuckled, shaking your head then whispered to Noah, "Those two are such idiots."

"But they're our idiots." Noah winked, continuing to shape the sand. 

In the middle of Cody and Noah's playful banter, their little sand battle ended up destroying the sandcastle you and Noah were building. 

"No fair!" You laughed, taking sand from the broken castle then flinging it towards Duncan and Cody. 

"Oh, it's on!" Duncan laughed, shaping a ball of sand into his hands. 

Laughter filled the air as you and your partners caused chaos on the beach with your sand fight. The beach became a battlefield with sand flying in all directions. Cries of mock defeat and occasional flirty banter made you all lost in your little world. 

As the sun began to set, you and Noah walked hand in hand towards the shoreline, while Duncan held Cody's. You all were covered in sand, and although it was physically uncomfortable, your hearts knew that this was where you felt the most at home - being with each other.

Noah wiped a speck of sand from your thumb, then kissed your cheek. "You're amazing, Y/N."

You giggled, leaning closer to him as he held you tighter. "Takes one to know one." 

With the sound of crashing waves and the salty breeze on your faces, you looked at your partners and whispered, "Thank you for today."

They nodded, giving you a small smile. Duncan and Cody linked hands with you and Noah, continuing to watch the sunset together. 

You couldn't wait to experience the next adventure that awaits with the most amazing people you've ever met. 

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