Newfound side of Taylor - Taylor x male!reader

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Requested by: Alex_TDfan

Setting: Ridonculous Race, episode "Hello and Dubai"


With your best friend Trevin, you have joined the Ridonculous race as the "Skater bros." The race has been a fun challenge, where you explored the world, participated in challenges and met new people. 

However throughout the race, a certain mother and daughter dynamic from fellow contestants caught your attention - Taylor and her mother, Kelly. Taylor had been mistreating her mother, talking back at her, and giving her attitude. From Kelly telling Taylor the truth about Taylor's trophies, from Taylor holding her breath to manipulate her mom, and now, the final straw where you witnessed Taylor wiping bird poop on her mom. When Taylor did that, you were not only disgusted by the crap, but by Taylor's actions. You knew if that were your mom, you'd probably get smacked. 

"Don't just stand there like an old mannequin!" Taylor yelled. 

"No." Kelly stated sternly. "I am giving you a timeout." 

"You can't do that! I'm your daughter." Taylor snapped, holding onto the railings. 

They got into their little argument, and you gazed down at your squeegee, deep in thought. You loved your mother, and you didn't appreciate Taylor treating her mother that way at all. Kelly clearly loves and supports Taylor, and Taylor, in return, just acts like a complete brat. 

After they 'resolved' their little argument, you were in disbelief because you could tell Taylor's intentions weren't genuine, and she didn't learn anything at all. It didn't help that her mom still let her push her around. You handed your squeegee to Trevin, then went down to follow the ladies as they headed to the mall to go shopping. 

"Wait!" You called, causing them to turn back. 

Taylor scoffed, glaring at you. "What do you want?" 

You narrowed your eyes, feeling irritation threaten to consume you. However, you push your emotions down, knowing anger isn't the best way to get your point across. 

"Taylor," You spoke, firmly, "I overheard what happened, and I have to say that I disagree with how you've been acting, and how this turned out."

"What?" Taylor asked, confusion etched across her face. 

"The way you've been treating your mom.." You whispered. "It's.. It's awful. Can't you see how much she loves you? She buys you presents, puts you before herself, and even goes as far as lying to coaches and paying them off so you can be happy. And.. In return.. You wiped bird crap on her, and yelled at her. Don't you think enough is enough?"

Taylor stood there in shock, feeling an unfamiliar pang of guilt hit her. Her eyes glossed with unshed tears, as she nodded slowly. 

"Why are you doing this?" She cried, shaking in anxiety. "I do love my mom. It's just.. She can be annoying." 

"Annoying, how?" You asked, gently. You glanced at Kelly, who was watching in astonishment.

You decided to give Taylor a chance to be understood, since you believed there was a reason people acted the way they did. You knew Kelly just spoiled Taylor too much, but you still thought Taylor deserved time to open up too. 

Taylor looked down, mumbling before saying out loud, "I.. I don't know. I guess because she's not like my friends' moms who act more like a best friend... Than.. A mother. Y/N, you're right."

Kelly moved closer, placing a gentle hand on Taylor's shoulder, smiling appreciatively at you. Taylor turned towards her mom, her eyes shining in regret, "Mom, I'm sorry. I was so caught up with what my friends wanted, and how I thought it should be that I didn't recognize all your efforts. Even if they were a little overboard, you still care about me. I'm going to change how things are."

Kelly embraced Taylor, patting her back. She whispered to you, "Thank you." 

"No problem." You grinned, leaving the two alone. You hoped that Taylor meant it and she did actually try to change in the future. 

It was now the finale, and you, Trevin, Taylor and Kelly, sat together as you watched The Surfers and The Police Cadets compete. As you watched them, you noticed Taylor stealing glances at you. You did not complain, since you did the same thing. 

After the show, Taylor ran up to you, excitedly. "Y/N!"

You turned around, smiling, "Yes?"

Taylor smiled, shyly. "I just want to thank you for giving me that wakeup call. It meant a lot and mom and I are closer than ever. I've also learned to make better friends who encourage kindness, not brat behavior."

"I can tell you've changed, Taylor." You spoke, bringing her into a hug. "I'm so proud of you." 

After Taylor pulled away, she asked, "Want to get lunch with me today?"

You grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment flow through your chest, "Sure!" 

You held out your hand for Taylor to take, then you both headed towards the cafe that was near the competition. You were more than excited for exploring more of this newfound side of Taylor. 

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