Frozen bonds - Alejandro x shy!reader

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Requested by: WonderingxThoughts
Setting: TDWT Episode 'Anything Yukon Do, I can Do better'

You would rather not join Total Drama in the first place, but you had no choice. You were forced by your parents to join Total Drama because your shyness often held you back. They considered this tough love, while you considered it too extreme.

You were on team 'Chris is really hot' and still haven't made any friends despite being on the show for a few days. It didn't bother you, but you knew it would upset your parents.

Today's challenge was at the Yukon and after the plane crashed, everyone was freezing and trying to huddle together. Most of the girls gravitated towards Alejandro which made you feel slightly bad for him.

"At least he's warm." You thought, trying to wrap your arms tighter together. To your surprise, Leshawna and Gwen huddled close to you.

"We got your back, girlfriend." Leshawna winked at you, while Gwen smiled.

You smiled, despite the coldness. "Thank you."

Chris began explaining the challenge, which involved jumping from ice to ice until you all reach the other side of the frozen river. Then, you all need to reach a sled, where one teammate will have to pull the rest to the finish line.

As Chris finished explaining the challenge, your anxiety grew. The thought of jumping from ice to ice seemed like an impossible task for someone as shy and clumsy as you. You glanced at Leshawna and Gwen, hoping for some reassurance.

Leshawna noticed your worried expression and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, Y/N. We got this. Stick with us, and we'll make sure you're safe."

Gwen nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we'll look out for each other. Just take it one step at a time, and we'll get through it."

Their words provided a small comfort, but deep down, you still felt a knot of fear in your stomach. As the challenge began, everyone cautiously stepped onto the ice. You followed suit, trying your best to maintain your balance.

The biting cold made it difficult to concentrate, and your nervousness only amplified the challenge. As you focused on reaching the next ice slab, you lost sight of Gwen and Leshawna, their figures blending into the whiteness of the snowy landscape. Panic started to set in.

"Wait up!" you called out, your voice barely audible over the wind.

But your plea went unanswered. The distance between you and the rest of the group grew, and before you knew it, you found yourself standing on a particularly slippery patch of ice. Your feet gave way, and you flailed your arms in a desperate attempt to regain your balance, but it was futile.

With a shriek of surprise, you tumbled backward, landing hard on the cold ice. You let out a pained cry, clutching your ankle. Panic seeped in as the reality of the situation sunk in. You were injured and stranded, with no one around to help.

Just as you were about to succumb to despair, you heard a voice calling your name. You turned your head and saw Alejandro rushing towards you, concern etched on his face. He knelt down beside you, his eyes scanning your injured ankle.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "I-I'm scared. I think I sprained my ankle."

Alejandro took out his shirt. "Here, let me help you." He carefully removed your shoe and sock, revealing your swollen ankle. With gentle hands, he used his shirt as a makeshift bandage, wrapping it around your ankle to provide support.

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