You bring out the best in me - Chris x male!reader

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Requested by: mrsillyness
Setting: TDI - starting with the episode 'Phobia factor'

It was your first time arriving on the island, where your husband Chris was hosting his reality show called "Total Drama."

You arrived at the mess hall to get some snacks, but as you walked in, you noticed something was off – the food the contestants were eating. It looked inedible.

Concerned, you approached one of the contestants named Duncan and asked, "Hello, is this part of a challenge?"

Duncan looked up from his food and sighed, "No, this is what Chris and Chef make us eat all the time. It's ridiculous."

Your brows furrowed in confusion. You thought Chris was at least feeding his campers well. You nodded then walked away, deciding to take matters into your own hands.

You went to the back of the kitchen and started preparing ingredients to make proper food, which was fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy,  for the contestants. Chef walked in and gave you a small nod of approval.

After fifteen minutes, the mashed potatoes were done, along with the chicken, and you were excited to surprise the contestants with good food. You called out to them, and they all smiled appreciatively, discarding the prison food Chef made and lined up to get yours instead. Your heart swelled with pride, knowing you helped them in a way that you could.

Chris walked into the mess hall, confused to see the food the campers were eating. He smiled a little, knowing you were behind this.

"Chris!" You beamed, walking up to him. "I made the campers some food. I hope you don't mind."

Chris shook his head, smiling. He always admired your kindness and caring nature. "It's no problem at all. I'm glad you were able to do this for them."

You smiled back at him, before turning to the campers. You made sure to make enough for everyone, and handed each of them a plate. "Here you go. I hope you enjoy it."

Chris sighed happily, as he watched you converse with the campers. He loved your caring nature, but he hoped this wouldn't go too far. He liked the drama and tension in this show. He knew you didn't like that, but he hoped you wouldn't interfere too much.

Soon, it was time for the contestants to start their challenge, which was to face their fears. Chris was excited because he loved to scare the campers and humiliate them.

Each of the campers were assigned to face their fears individually, with the camera crew following them. You were intrigued by some of the campers' stories and decided to help those who had trouble.

You approached Dj by offering words of encouragement, stayed by Gwen's side as she was buried alive when Trent had his own fears to face, and gave Cody some tips on how to disarm a bomb.

The rest of the contestants that you approached and offered guidance and encouragement, slowly began to improve on their challenge. All except Tyler, whose fear of chickens ran deep, despite your encouragement. You were surprised he ate the chicken you cooked earlier.

Chris watched on the sidelines with a mixture of annoyance and admiration. This wasn't going as planned. Where was the drama? The fear, the agony?

Courtney was the last one to compete in the challenge because she didn't face her fear of green jelly. While she stood on top of the board, Gwen and Duncan shouted remarks at her, and you could see the embarrassment on her face.

You smiled then shouted towards Courtney, "Courtney, you don't need to be embarrassed. We all have our fears. Just remember to take it one step at a time."

Courtney nodded, feeling slightly better. Chris glanced at you, narrowing his eyes at you. He stayed silent, continuing to watch Courtney. However, to Chris' excitement, Courtney stepped down, crying. You felt a pang of sympathy for her, then approached her, offering her advice.

"Take it easy, Courtney. It's okay that things didn't go as planned."

Courtney smiled a little through her tears, and said, "Thank you, Y/N."

At the elimination ceremony, The Killer Bass gathered around the campfire, awaiting their fight. Soon, Tyler got eliminated and he was in tears.

You approached Tyler with a warm, gentle smile as he walked to the boat. "You did great, buddy. Don't be too hard on yourself. This is just a lesson and you can grow from it."

Tyler nodded, smiling softly. "You're my favorite MCclean, sir. Thank you." Tyler left and you waved goodbye before going back to the trailer to meet Chris.

When you got into the trailer, you found Chris sitting at the table, sipping tea and looking annoyed. You felt concerned, and sat across from him, reaching for his hands. "Are you okay?"

Chris sighed, putting his cup down, taking your hands in his. "Y/N, you need to stop meddling in challenges. These contestants need to compete on their own. Without drama or conflict, there is no show and I could lose my job."

You felt a twinge of guilt. You didn't mean to cause any harm to his job, you just wanted to make sure his contestants were okay. They were just teenagers after all.

"Chris, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make sure they were okay. I didn't mean to cause trouble." You said, sincerely.

Chris's expression softened as he took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before responding, "I know, Y/N, and I admire that about you. But we need to establish some boundaries with this."

You nodded in understanding, "How about we find a balance? I won't interfere in challenges but I'll still make food for the campers, organize the kitchen, and do what needs to be done around the camp."

Chris nodded, giving you a small smile, gently squeezing your hands. "And I guess you can still offer words of encouragement, before the challenges. No making me look bad though, okay?"

You chuckled at his response, "Maybe not too much."

"You bring out the best in me, Y/N." Chris confessed, blushing slightly. "You're an amazing husband."

Your heart was filled with joy and you couldn't help but smile at his words. "You're an amazing husband, Chris. I love you even with your sometimes-mischievous antics."

The next day, you and Chris organized a small party to reward the contestants for facing their fears. You and Chris spent the morning making pizza, and had some sodas delivered.

The contestants were overjoyed by this, eating pizza and dancing to the music. You and Chris danced together, which was amusing to everyone, especially Duncan, but you both didn't care, because you were having fun.

You knew you brought out the best in each other.

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