Stepping stone - Alejandro x male!reader

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Requested by: B4mbis
Setting: TDWT - Multiple episodes, starting with Ex files. Slight spoiler: Alejandro won't be in a robot suit at the end.

Hey guys! Requests are open now. Please only request on the request page, otherwise it doesn't count! :) I currently only have 21 slots left until this book completes then I move to the second TD oneshot book.


Being a contestant since the first season of Total Drama, you knew to be very observant of the other contestants and the way they acted. You were once manipulated by Heather, but now you knew better. Alejandro was a new contestant who became the resident heartthrob. He was like Justin, except for the fact that Alejandro talked more.

Alejandro had this charm that drew people in. Unlike Justin, he knew how to play the game and it involved him playing with others' feelings. You made it a point to keep a close watch on him, ever since he had Bridgette stuck to a pole. You disliked him from the beginning and although no one but Noah understood, you kept your guard up.

You let out a frustrated sigh as Alejandro took the opportunity to manipulate Courtney to flirt with Tyler to make Duncan jealous. You felt bad for Courtney, because she wasn't just betrayed by Duncan, she was betrayed by Gwen, who she considered a friend.

Having enough, you stormed up to Alejandro, gently taking his hand away from Courtney. "Enough."

Alejandro simply smirked at you, "Oh? Why is this handsome man suddenly talking to me now?"

You blushed slightly, knowing this was the first proper interaction with him that you had. Trying to find your words, you said firmly, "You think you can outsmart the rest of us, but one day, it will all come back to you."

Alejandro laughed then blew you a kiss and walked away. You clenched your fists, knowing that you absolutely couldn't stand him.

But you couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and intrigue. His confidence and charisma were undeniable, but you were determined not to let him manipulate anyone else in the game.

"Game on."

The next day, Alejandro stepped up his game by playing with Courtney's feelings by pretending to be interested in her. Alejandro began flirting with her, while she fed him chocolate chip cookies.

You felt your face heat up as you felt unexpected jealousy. Alejandro turned to glance at you, then he smirked. He excused himself from Courtney then made his way to you, "Caught you."

You tried your best to hide your blush and act nonchalant, "In your dreams, Alejandro."

Alejandro tilted your chin up to look at him, "Sure."

You huffed and walked away, leaving him there satisfied. You hated how he could make you feel flustered, yet you hated him. You were completely confused and didn't know what to do.

You went to sit back on the bench, deep in thought, but to your surprise, Alejandro sat beside you, offering you a cookie. "Here. Courtney was getting annoying."

You tried to hide the relief you felt, "Excuse me?"

Alejandro chuckled, as you took the cookie. "Yeah, it's all just strategic."

"What about what you're doing now? How can I trust you?" You asked, skeptically.

You were taking the conversation in a direction you didn't want it to go, and he noticed.

Alejandro took a deep breath, and then looked you in the eyes. "I can't promise you that I won't ever do anything that I shouldn't. That's just the way I am. I can promise that I'll always put the safety of others before my own. I'll always do what I can to make up for my mistakes. I'm not perfect, but I'm not a bad person. I just...make mistakes sometimes. I'm always working to try to make those mistakes up to the people I've hurt."

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