Our little secret - Harold x shy!male reader

291 13 4

Requested by: anonbinarychild
Setting: TDI X-theme torture

You sat on the edge of the dock, as you carefully wrote another heartfelt love letter to Harold.

You were head over heels for Harold since the beginning of the show. His quirky personality made your heart skip a beat every time he was around. However, there was just one problem: you were incredibly shy and found it impossible to express your feelings to him directly. Though, that didn't stop you from finding a way to let Harold know how you felt.

You would often leave love letters in his backpack, slipped them into his pocket when he wasn't looking, and even strategically placed them on his pillow during challenges. It was your way of reaching out to him without revealing your true identity.

Each note expressed your admiration, highlighted his quirks, and showered him with compliments, especially on the days when Duncan would pick on him. You took great care to ensure your handwriting remained unrecognizable, adding an extra layer of mystery to your secret admirer persona.

You looked over the note, checking for any grammatical errors, before neatly folding it and putting it in an envelope. You headed back to your cabin and made sure no one was around, before putting the note in Harold's bed.

When you went to sit on your bed, you found a love poem. You haven't figured out who's been writing to you either, but you hoped that it was Harold. You were too shy and scared to confront him if it was him, but whatever was happening, it was similar to your love letter plan.

"Hey Y/N." You heard Harold say from behind you.

You turned around, trying to hide your blush. "Um.. Hi."

Harold smiled, noticing the love poem on your hands. "What's that?"

You shrugged, giving him a small smile. "For the last two weeks, someone has been writing me love poems."

"And someone has been writing me love letters." Harold chuckled. You blushed slightly and wanted to ask him what he thinks of them, but you didn't want to give your identity away.

"Oh.. That's strange." You commented.

Harold nodded, "Yeah, but they're really flattering. Hey, since we're both dealing with the same problem, how about we try figuring out who our secret admirers are?"

You smiled, feeling your heart pound in your chest. "That's a great idea."

Maybe this can be an opportunity for Harold to know how you felt.

Completely oblivious to the fact that you were the authors of each other's heartfelt messages, you and Harold brainstormed ideas on how to uncover the identities of your mystery lovers.

"I could set up a surveillance camera near my bunk," Harold suggested, his voice filled with excitement. "We'll catch them red-handed!"

"That's a great idea," You replied, your heart pounding in your chest. "I'll help you analyze the footage and figure out who it is."

Little did you know that the answer was right in front of both of you.

As the day went on, you and Harold looked for clues. You both interviewed other contestants and you even worked on challenges together, to keep discussing the possible identity.

You wanted to be honest with him and let him know it was you, but your shyness held you back. You wondered what he would think, if he knew.

During one of the challenges, Harold was on a jet ski and Heather's top accidentally flew off, exposing her breasts. His eyes widened in shock and he ended up crashing into the rocks, due to being caught off guard.

"Harold!" You cried out, then rushed towards him, your shyness forgotten.

Harold groaned, "Boobies."

You stifled a chuckle, "Are you alright, you dork?"

Harold grinned widely, "Yeah, I'm okay."

You held out your hand then helped him stand up, "Come on, let's get back to camp."

You sat down in the medical tent, helping Harold patch up his injuries. As you were helping him, you both discussed the love poems and love letters that were being sent to both of you. You both engaged in playful roasting, despite the circumstances.

"Remind me to play the surveillance footage later on because I might forget." Harold told you.

You nodded, "Of course."

Duncan watched you and Harold from afar with Dj, "You know, those two have good chemistry."

Dj nodded, "They do. They're both too blind to see it."


To your heartbreak, you found out that Harold was the one being voted off. You quickly rushed towards him, as he walked towards the dock, deciding to come clean and tell him how you felt.

Harold turned towards you, "Wait, we didn't get to watch the surveillance footage yet."

You nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Go ahead, Harold."

Harold took out his backpack and opened his computer, ready to play the footage. The other contestants watched you and Harold a short distance away in anticipation.

Chris and Chef gave each other knowing looks, because they already knew the answer. They did watch everything after all.

As the video played, you saw yourself sneaking into Harold's bunk, leaving behind one of your love notes. Harold's eyes widened in shock as he recognized it was you on the screen.

"That's... that's you, Y/N!" He exclaimed, pointing at the video. A mix of disbelief, joy, and embarrassment washed over you as the weight of the situation sank in.

"I... I've been writing those love poems for you," Harold confessed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson.

"And I've been leaving the love notes for you," You admitted, feeling a surge of courage.

You both laughed and blushed, realizing how oblivious you had been to each other's affections.

"So, what does this mean now?" Harold asked, eagerly.

You quickly kissed Harold on the cheek, causing him to blush. "This means two completely oblivious shy men get to go on a date after the show."

Harold threw his hands in the air in excitement, "Hell yeah!"

Chris stepped in between you and Harold, "Okay, okay, enough! We gotta wrap it up people."

Harold nodded, then said, "I'll miss you, Y/N. I can't wait to go on that date."

"I'll miss you too. Goodbye for now, Harold!"

Harold boarded the dock then waved goodbye to you as the boat sped away. You sighed, smiling to yourself, knowing that you and Harold's little secret brought you two together.

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