Flower crowns - Dawn x reader

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Requested by: scarygirlgf
AU: High school in a small judgmental town

Dawn liked to explore the woods in the outskirts of a small town she lived in. She had a hard time fitting in with townsfolk because they all thought she was weird. She knew how to read people's auras, she communicated with animals, and knew things about people that they didn't even know about themselves.

Dawn sighed, and smiled at the feeling of being away from the judgmental people of Bodwell high school. She was one of a kind, but she felt all alone wanting to connect with someone who understood. She didn't mind being alone, but she hated being lonely.

Dawn walked further into the woods, encountering different types of animals. One of them was a rabbit that seemed to want her to follow it. Dawn followed the rabbit towards what she saw was a cottage with a beautiful garden. Dawn gazed at the house in astonishment, especially when she spotted a young girl named Y/N L/N outside watering the plants.

Dawn approached you and said, "I've explored this forest so many times, and I've never seen a house in it. What's your name?"

You looked at her shyly, and responded, "My name is Y/N. I just moved here a week ago. My parents don't want to live inside town, so my dad and his brothers built this place for months until we were able to move. I used to live in a small village in H/T."

Dawn was amazed by the appearance of your cottage. It was like a fairytale to see an actual cottage in the woods.

"This place is beautiful." Dawn told you.

"Thank you."

"But your aura is blue. Are you lonely because you don't have that many friends?" Dawn asked, curiously.

"Look, lady. It's none of your business why I feel alone." You snapped, offended by Dawn's straightforwardness. "What are you doing here in the woods anyway?"

"Now your aura is red. I didn't mean to upset you. I just read people's auras to understand them better." Dawn said, giving you a guilty look.

You sighed, giving her a gentle smile. "You're not that bad. It's pretty cool how you can read people like that. What's your name?"

"Dawn. It's nice to meet you, Y/N." She smiled, extending her hand.

You shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you too."

Dawn glanced at the table in the garden and gasped. She spotted the flower crowns you made, "Did you make these?"

You nodded proudly, "Yup! I make them and sell them as my own side business. My parents own a flower shop, and I help but also have my own side hustle."

"That's amazing!"

"Thank you!" You grinned, "Want to come inside for some tea?"

"Sure!" Dawn exclaimed. She followed you into your house, "Wow! This place is even more beautiful on the inside."

You snorted, "I highly doubt it. It's too plain and simple."

You put Dawn some tea and toast, then sat across from her near the kitchen table.

"Since you just moved here, does that mean you're going to the same school as I am?" She asked, taking a bite out of the toast.

"Bodwell? Yes I am." You sighed. "I can already tell I'm going to hate it."

"Why?" Dawn asked, curious about that.

"This girl Amy is already giving me and my family crap for living in the woods." You rolled your eyes. "When we were registering for my enrollment, she spotted me and called me a nature freak."

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