Tension - Mike x reader LEMON

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Requested by: Darling_Belle06
Setting: TDROTI Finders creepers

"Come on!"

You and Scott continued with the first challenge, which was the scavenger hunt. It sounded strange, but you and Scott were pretty much close friends since you were on the same team. You both often teamed up in challenges together, so when Chris said to stick together, naturally you were with Scott.

"Hi Mike!" You waved at your boyfriend, seeing him hide in a bush with his team.

"Hey Y/N!" He smiled, then frowned slightly at Scott next to you. You smiled, when you saw Jo nudge him a little for exposing their hiding spot.

You and Mike were a couple, despite being on different teams and you were the first person he opened up to about having Dissociative Identity Disorder. He was overwhelmed with relief, when you were compassionate about his alters and tried to help him cope with his past trauma. However, he still felt insecure and guilty whenever he would switch to Vito and flirt with Anne Maria. You always assured him you understood, despite still feeling hurt about it.

Sam trailed behind you and Scott, "Wait for me!"

Scott rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed and you chuckled.

Suddenly, you felt yourself get lifted up by a web, and you screamed.

 Scott looked up, quickly in concern, "Y/N?"

"Where's Y/N?" Mike asked, noticing you were gone.

Scott shrugged. "I don't know. Something took her."

Mike glared at Scott, then went to find you, despite the protests from Jo. Jo decided to leave to find the cave on her own.

Mike ended up switching to Vito when his shirt ripped off, then he and Anne Maria began kissing, much to the irritation of Cameron.


Cameron, Vito, and Anne Maria walked into the cave, and Anne Maria tried to convince Vito to get the hooks out. Vito did not want to, but then Anne Maria kissed him for motivation. 

You sighed again, seeing Vito kiss Anne Maria again, but you understood Mike wouldn't remember Vito's actions due to his disorder. You tried not to take it personally again. 

Scott and Sam got tied together in the spider web, then were hurled onto the web. A giant spider came towards all of you, causing you all to scream. Vito switched back to Mike once he heard you were in trouble, and he attempted to help untangle you from the web. 

As Cameron gathered the strength to attack the spider, Mike turned into Svetlana then helped free the contestants. Afterwards, you all continued completing the challenge safely. 

You all soon found out the giant spider was actually Izzy, a former contestant. You frowned, feeling bad for her. 

The mutant maggots lost the challenge, and the rats won. You and Scott high five, which made Mike glare at Scott in disapproval. 

"Looks like we got ourselves into a sticky situation back there, huh?" Scott laughed, sitting with you in front of the lodge. 

"Yeah!" You laughed.

Mike watched you two making jokes about the spider and laughing together, feeling his heart drop in jealousy. He felt his heart beat fast, then quickly walked towards you, grabbing your hand. 

"What's wrong?" You asked Mike. "Is this about earlier with Vito?"

He led you towards the Mutant Maggots cabin, silently thanking no one for being there right now. He closed the door, making sure it was locked. 

"I just want to know if you're interested in Scott."

"What? No, of course not! He's just a close friend, and of course I have to work with him since we're on the same team." You told Mike, sitting on the bed. 

Mike sighed, "I just get worried that you'll leave me for him."

"Why is that?"

Mike explained how he gets anxious about you getting tired of him because of his disorder and past, and how he feels like a terrible boyfriend for switching to Vito and kissing Anne Maria. You hugged Mike tightly then kissed his cheek. 

"You have nothing to worry about." You whispered. "I told you that I'm here and I accept you for who you are, remember? Otherwise, I wouldn't be dating you."

Mike nodded, then slowly pulled you into a kiss. You both began to get lost in the kiss, feeling the passion of emotions from today. 

"Are you sure?" Mike asked, putting his hands down to take off your shorts. 


Mike slid off your shorts and underwear then began rubbing you gently, causing you to moan.

 You lay further back onto the bed, as he continued to do this, while he whispered how beautiful you were. Mike peppered little kisses onto your collar bone, then slid his fingers further into you, pressing your good spot. You gripped the sheets, feeling yourself release a little onto the blanket, as he circled the spot and kissed your lips. 

Mike blushed a little, knowing he had to explain what happened to the blanket and had to find a way to clean it without anyone noticing. 

Mike stopped after a few minutes, then helped you put your underwear and shorts back on. He pulled you close to him, kissing the top of your head. You cuddled together until you had to leave to avoid suspicion from his and your team. 

This might have assured him a little bit more that you only want him. 

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