Take this chance - Brick x reader

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Requested by: Icetears- and Go2TheRanch
Setting: TDROTI episode - Ice, Ice baby 

You glanced at Jo and Brick competing on who could finish breakfast quicker in amazement at how competitive they were about everything, even breakfast. You have liked Brick for awhile, since the season started, because you admired his determination yet lovable and gentle personality. 

Brick began choking on the spoon from eating too fast, and you immediately walked up to him to make sure he was okay.

"Easy jarhead, don't wet your panties." Jo laughed, punching the spoon out. The spoon went flying towards Mike, hitting him then he started doing a 'Chester' act. 

"Are you okay?" You asked Brick then he nodded, blushing slightly. You smiled, then went back to sit next to Cameron. 

"You like her, don't you?" Jo chuckled, glancing at you speaking to Cameron. Brick stayed silent, watching you also with a small smile on his face. Jo got the hint and smirked. "Then talk to her, jockstrap! Quit giving her that stupid smile and say something."

"What's that?" You asked Cameron, who spotted a big brained mouse on the table. "It's so cute!"

"It's a cute little Apodemus sylvaticus!" Cameron smiled. He tried to pet it, but the mouse began flying into the air, shooting lasers from its eyes. 

You and all the contestants began running out of the lodge to get away from the mouse. 

Chris began to announce the challenge through the speaker, "Attention, players. Please head directly to the looming tragedy that is Mound Looming Tragedy. Your race begins.. Now!"

Your team began racing towards the mountain. Taking this opportunity, Brick ran right next to you. 

"Chris is crazy for all these challenges, right?" He asked, smiling at you. 

You nodded, chuckling. "You bet! But I've watched you and Jo during the challenges. You're both amazing!"

Brick blushed, "I just do a lot of training. I plan to go back into the military one day."

"Really? That's awesome! Maybe your time here would be a great story to tell."

"Yeah." He smiled. 

Jo began running ahead of you and Brick, with Lightning right behind her. "You're all going to lose to a girl again!"

"What girl?" Lightning asked. "Who is he talking about?"

You began to laugh, and tried to cover your mouth for Jo's sake. Brick noticed this and began laughing too. 

"We better get there to the mountain soon." You giggled. Brick nodded in agreement and you two began running together. 

You and Brick headed to the mountain, and Chris began to announce another part of the challenge. He explained that the first team to reach the top gets the advantage in part two, and you all had to climb with your hands or whatever was in the pile.  

As you were climbing, a small rock almost hit your head, but Brick quickly shoved the rock out of the way onto the ground. You turned towards him, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you." You continued to climb up, while Brick moved alongside of you with Jo.

"Nice moves, loverboy." Jo laughed, watching you move towards the top. "You should just tell her you like her already."

"I don't know how." Brick admitted. 

Jo sighed, "Just don't make a fool of yourself and she'll like you. Take a chance for once. Now, hurry! We got a challenge to win!"

At the top of the mountain, you, Jo and Brick arrived first. At first, Jo was happy about you guys arriving first but then The toxic rat ended up winning because their whole team arrived. 

"Easy, Jo. We still have time to win the next part." You assured her. Jo looked irritated, but nodded in agreement. Brick smiled, admiring how you just didn't give up. 

The second challenge was a "Capture the Flag" challenge and Chris explained that you all had to destroy the other teams' castles with snowballs or by melting them. 

Jo and Brick began arguing about who would be the team captain, and began thumb wrestling to decide. Jo won, and Brick groaned in pain then saluted her. Brick walked to the side, as Jo began ordering everybody what to do. She ordered you and Brick to be on offense with capturing the Rat's flag, while Anne Maria and Zoey were partners for it. 

Brick kept shielding you from the snow balls hitting you, and you felt bad because he had already dislocated his arm, fell off the mountain and hurt his thumb earlier. You didn't want him to keep getting hurt today. So, you thought of an idea to make sure he is okay too while also winning for your team. 

"Brick!" You spoke, and he turned to you with another snow ball hitting you. "Let's get Anne Maria and Zoey. We should do this as a group for this to work instead of splitting up."


You directed Anne Maria and Zoey to work together to hit the snowballs away like a volleyball as fast as you could. Brick watched as you hit the snowballs, throwing it back to the other team. He really admired you even more during that moment. You and Brick continued to performed your tactics, while Jo and the others continued theirs, until your team won. 

"Maggots win!" Chris announced. "And here's your reward, McLean brand hot chocolate."

You and your team cheered. Brick shyly walked towards you, pulling you into a hug. You blushed, feeling a little confused. 

"I'm impressed, Y/N. You did amazing at leading in part of the challenge." He told you, blushing slightly at what he just did. 

Jo watched you two then scoffed, throwing a snow ball towards the both of you. "Brick, stop making small talk and just tell her already!"

"Tell me what?" You asked, noticing that Brick looked very flustered.

"I.. I like you, Y/N. I have for awhile." He confessed, rubbing his arm out of nervousness. "I was wondering if you'd like for us to get to know each other better before anything. I understand if you don't feel the same way and you don't have to if you don't want-"

You giggled, then pulled Brick into a hug. He stood there, shocked then slowly hugged you back. 

You pull away, "I do feel the same way! I would love to get to know you better too." 

Brick smiled, then thought to himself about walking along the beach with you later on. You were mysterious and interesting to him, and he felt lucky that you were willing to give him this chance before you eventually became something more. 

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