The military ball - Brick x shy!reader

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Requested by: Icetears-
Au: High school, junior year
Note: I only attended two military balls, so this may differ from your experience on what a military ball is like if you attended one before :)

"There's this military ball coming up for ROTC next week, and I was wondering if you'd be comfortable going with me?" Brick asked you, as he walked you to class.

You thought about it for a moment. "Um.. I'll have to think about it."

Brick nodded in understanding. Your boyfriend knew that you were very shy, and that social events like that can be hard for you. He always made it a point to encourage you, but to also help you open up at your own pace. It's still a work in progress.

You and Brick first met in gym class, where you had a hard time participating in volleyball. He felt bad when Jo kept yelling at you, so he stepped in to help. When you scored a lot of points for your team, he was impressed. This led to a friendship then eventually something more. You both had been together for six months already.

Brick dropped you to class, then kissed you on the cheek. "Have fun in class, honey."


"Brick wants to take me to the military ball." You told your best friend, Leshawna, as you two were packing your bags to leave class.

"Really? Go for it girl!" Leshawna smiled. "You need to put yourself out there!"

You nodded. "I'm trying to put myself out there more, especially for Brick. It's just that sometimes it's hard because I'm still not used to going to so many social events."

"I understand." Leshawna assured you, putting on her backpack. "If you feel you're uncomfortable, you don't have to go. Talk to Brick about this! He's such a creampuff, I'm sure he'll understand."

"I will." You smiled. You slung your bag over your shoulders, then walked outside of class with Leshawna.

You tried to weigh the pros and cons of going to military ball. You had never been to one, so you thought it might help if you did some research about it before making a decision. This military ball was for the school's ROTC program, so you knew it wouldn't be as formal. That eased your nerves a little bit.

After class, Brick met you by the lockers, so he could drop you home.

"How was class, honey?" Brick asked, as you walked together outside of the school.

"It was okay. However, I did speak to Leshawna for some advice." You told him.

"About what?" He asked, unlocking his car. He opened the door for you to get inside.

"The military ball." You answered, buckling your seat belt. "She said I should put myself out there more."

Brick smiled. "I do want you to go, but like I said, it's really up to you, honey. I'm not going to force you if it makes you uncomfortable. Baby steps, remember?"

You nodded, smiling. Brick was really sweet and understanding of your shyness, and he was always patient with you.

After a lot of thinking throughout the car ride home, you decided to face your fears and attend the military ball with Brick that night. You missed prom three months ago, so you felt you had to make it up to Brick by going to this.


It was the night of the military ball, and you were nervous yet excited because you barely did these things with Brick. When you told Brick last week that you decided to go with him, he was excited because he'd always wanted to take you to these kinds of events. He knew you were trying your best to be more open.

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