Mixed signals - Cody x jealous!reader

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Requested by: idkmanjustamhere67
Setting: TDI 'Up the creek' + The next morning before a challenge. 

Note: I tweaked the plot a little and didn't include the conversation between Gwen and Cody when Cody realized she liked Trent because it would make Y/N look like a rebound. Y/N is actually Cody's crush and Gwen is the pretend crush.


Cody awkwardly waved at you, then looked away quickly to put his arm around Gwen to go with him in the canoe for today's challenge. You looked away quickly, awkwardly standing there until someone wanted you as a partner for the ride to Bony Island. 

This had been going on for the first few weeks since you joined Total Drama and made friends with Cody. He would awkwardly wave at you, flirt with you then say he was kidding, and then shamelessly flirt with his friend, Gwen. 

You had feelings for Cody, but sometimes it was like he gave off mixed signals and had a thing for Gwen. You weren't sure if he was messing with you or if he was just socially awkward, which you didn't mind much since there was nothing wrong with being awkward in a social sense. Cody's intentions were just confusing. 

Cody walked back to you with Gwen, with his arm around her. Your heart dropped a little in jealousy, but you ignored it. 

"Hey Y/N. Do you want to be partners with us for the challenge?" Cody asked. 

Just as you were about to decline, you saw that the other boats were filled. You just nodded, and walked with them toward the canoe. You knew this was going to be a disaster.

Cody tried to pull both you and Gwen in the Canoe into the water, but he was struggling. 

"Do you want our help?" Gwen snapped, looking irritated. 

"Nah, Nah." Cody assured her, then fell back into the water. 

You and Gwen got up then pulled the canoe into the water yourselves. You all got into the canoe, waiting for the challenge to start. 

Cody began to converse with Gwen, while you sat there awkwardly, feeling a little left out. Cody kept making flirty comments towards her, while glancing at you to see your reaction, but you didn't notice him looking at you. You just tried to clamp down your jealousy as much as possible.  You looked ahead at the ocean, deciding to tune them out and focus on what's going to happen for today's challenge. 

"On your marks, get set, paddle!" Chris announced, shooting a gun into the air. 

Gwen and Cody paddled, while Cody tried to make a conversation with her. "So, do you wanna go out sometime?"

You felt your face get hot with jealousy, but bit your tongue. Cody can date whoever he wants. It's not your fault he doesn't see you that way. 

"No." Gwen glared at him. 

"How about Friday night?"

"Uh, no."

Cody smiled. "Saturday's good for me. How bout Saturday?" 

Gwen snapped, "I'm not going out with you, ever!" 

Cody kept trying to talk to Gwen, but she kept trying to make it clear to him that she wasn't interested. You sat there awkwardly, witnessing the whole thing. Despite feeling jealous of Gwen, you also felt bad that Cody kept trying to get with her when she was clearly not interested. You knew that could be annoying to just about anyone. 

Gwen hit Cody with a paddle, causing him to bend over in pain. She ignored it and continued paddling the boat. 

"Are you okay?" You asked Cody. 

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